Well first before all, I just want you to know that I am a very high insparational person and I place God ahead of my life at all times, Im not a perfect Christian, or one of those "o im so holy people" I just know that God has done so much for me and I am just so Greatful. But on the other hand of that I have many dreams and accoplishments that I can tell you about. I am a very fun person to be around, im not the type of person that changes and goes into these strange petty or mean moods, I am always excited in leaning about how to make myself and others a plan for sucess. Im am always searching and creating a complishation plan. Dut besides the sucess, I am A real Friend, I am a very loving person definatly to all females I am always there no matter how you change or what you might do, I am not a regular African American male, I am what I call International, I am not just open to somethings, I am open to all things, wheather its Business, Tv, Hollywood, Health, Spirtual, Clothes, Travel, Computers, Cars, Houses, Money Making, I am open to it all.I am also A IPC for Tahitian Noni International, and I own My own Multi-media arts Production company. I am working to build my business so I can become a blessing to everybody.To add another note, I am a highly effective African American Male, I get my business done and I dont have time for any mess. I only want and need people in my life that are at least trying to become somthing and trying to do huge things. I dont have time for crap or peoples problems because that is why some people are in the sitiuation they are in now. I am so excited and I am highly energized about success, my dreams, goals, and Vision. Please dont get ran over just get with the programe.I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!