i'm friendly, cool and i'm always on the go...am a frustrated billiard player but, well, i'm workin on it! i also love to drink and i adore bars with nice, welcoming ambience! My close friends tagged me as “STD†because I’ve got a number of BOYLETS and EX-BOYFRIENDS listed. Well I say to them “I’m only havin’ fun and still searching for the right guy, but sex isn’t included! Hmph!†But my searching paid-off anyways. Thanks to my baby! My uncle thinks I’m a potential alcoholic and a frustrated singer. Supportive, isn’t he? That’s why I don’t sing whenever he’s around…I crumple. I’m the only hope my homies know. They expect me to finish my studies-with recognitions. But sometimes life sucks I tend to pass down on my subjects! I enjoy sporting every season’s hottest trends but makes sure it’s not over the top. I also love Devon Aoki and Jennifer Lopez’s fashion sense. I think whatever they wear appears elegant and good on them. I smoke and drink. Loved bars ever since. And every time I come home from the late night gimmicks in the wee hours of the morning, I automatically turn to Spiderman. Yes. I climb up our roof, to get inside the house, to avoid the war my furious parents may offer me. So to all of you who are interested to be on my list just message me hir!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~In a way, Im the imperfect twenty first century lady, bad girl who's really good, adventurous, aggressive but not liberated (well not that much), who isn't necessarily Einstein but is certainly smarter than my looks.
jazz, r&b, reggae, slow and sultry music and a li'l bit of hiphop!
My Best Friend's Wedding, Serendipity, Pretty Woman
Tuesdays With Morrie, The Stars Shine Down
my grandmother!
My Blog
Your love is... by ChibiMarronchanYour name is...Your kiss is...deliciousYour hugs are...warmYour eyes...burn into my heartYour touch is...irresistableYour smell is...refreshingYour smile is...hypnoti... Posted by Kai on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST
Fave at the Moment
Currently, this is my fave song...
You could buy me diamonds, you could buy me pearls
Take me on a cruise around the world
Baby you know I'm worth it
Dinner lit by candles, run my bubble bath
M... Posted by Kai on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST