flaco profile picture


raise up look up in the air, is that the sound of bombs, or is it crunk evraywear

About Me

living, breathing, cocreating, loving, nva hating, exercise, organic food, sacred body temple dwelling space, mother earth grown, beautifully known, cleansing all levels of reality, overcoming capatilism, homeless homee, down with adam and steve, evolved with monkeys, nevar committed genocide, nevar supported tyranny, nevar pledged allegiance, swing first, run first, hide first, yell first, spread the word first, nevar supported military occupation, westward expansion, us imperialism, always eat everday, drink water, take vitamins, metatate, garden, workout, grow your own economy, transforming with all creation, mitakuye oyasin. peece mi niggas.

My Interests

organics, martial arts, hip hop, independence, freedom, blazin, rumpin, fightin, training, what not, evading po lice, creating co mutiny, equality, revolution, evolution, solutions, anti pollutants, anticapatilstas, zapatistas, mao mao, maoists, freedom again,

I'd like to meet:

jesus, frank sinatra, g bush sr, ollie north, pinoche, ariel sharon, all rockafellas, the list grows, cfr in general, disney, some over punk assess, uncle sams cousin uncle scam, the patriot act, bill clinton, prem from nepal and maybe pocal votan, ceos, illumed natis, 33rd free masuns, amurikkkans


blue scholars, marleys, ra scion, common market, common, sage francis, nirvana, pearl jam, pink floyd, rage, gorillaz, modest mouse, immortal technique, neil young, macklemore, ab creole, you know


dead man, baraka, rize, micheal moore flicks, road to tyranny, bruce lee, colors, 500 nations, the rockers,


kill it, before its to late, or u will find yourself working 9-5 paying mortgage, car payments, insurance, costco you know


hella. permaculture, self realization, zen, home building, natural homebuilding, yoga, nutrition, natural health, indigenous holocaust, us imperialism, howard zinn, krishnamurti, and on and on, neaver stop reading, for real history was my first desire, I wanted to know what was up with the truth of my current reality. fuck im, they print the books, they tell the feds what to require public schools wake up muthafuckas take back your existence or die like a punk.


che, fidel, pancho, emiliano, crazy horse, sitting bull, chief sealth, marcos, hugo chavez, black panthers, freedom fighters, insurgents, what not, anarchists, farmers, mothers, lovers, brothers, no stars or starspangled heroe loving junk biatches.