FIB!!!music,travelling, interrail
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MANDO DIAO,SUGARPLUM FAIRY, franz ferdinand; the horrors; KLAXONS, the rapture;CSS, !!!;the hives, bloc party;the killers;the kooks, the subways, arctic monkeys, the breeders, placebo;OK GO!; yeah yeah yeahs;razorlight; sexy sadie; the cure; the dandy wharhols;the donnas; oasis; the strokes; pixies; joy division; sahara hotnights;NIRVANA; blur, the libertines, babyshambles, the used, i'm from barcelona, good shoes, panic at the disco;the BEATLES, white stripes, simple plan;dover; velvet underground, RAMONES, la casa azul,the verve, radiohead, cansei de ser sexy;jack johnson; SUNDAY DRIVERS;pigeon detectives; Ladytron; señor mostaza; DORIAN, Petter Bjorn and John, lory meyers, muse, los planetas, iggy pop, BOWIE, los FRESONES REBELDES, herman düne, kings of leon, whomadewho,FIB!!!...
american beauty,stepmom; virgenes suicidas, antes del amanecer, la naranja mecanica, lost in translation, velvet goldmine; scoop, it takes two;...
the O.C.; desperate housewives; dawson's creek; two of a kind
Photo Collage by Dundoo - MySpace Editor
el señor de las moscas, brooklin follies,joan el cendros,the catcher n the rye, ,
Photo Collage by Dundoo - MySpace Editor