XaDAmX profile picture


LOve iS juSt a rOLe dAt wE pLAy

About Me

oNce upON a tiMe tHeRe livEd aN eviL pRinCe by tHe nAme of aDam (pRiNcE?)...ohWkay...tHEre oNcE livEd aN eViL sLavE by tHe nAme oF aDaM fRoM tHe city RA of tHe sUNkeN.sO hE sLavEd his wAy at a cAstLed uNdEr tHe gOod cOuNt cOnstAntiNiO dE aLtozado eStamOrANo...evEry dAy tHis sLavE gOt bEatEN fOr pRoNouNciNg hIs mAstErs's nAme wRoNg.sO oNe dAy hE gOt fEd uP of tHe bEatINgs sO hE pLaNneD aN esCaPe tHrOugHt tHe dArk tUNnEL oF mAscAdeyR,tHis tUNneL wAs kNow fOr it's stOriEs of yOuNg aNd oLd bRave wArriOrs tHat nEvEr rEtUrNEd fROm tHe tUNnEL oF mAscAdeyR.mytH sAyS tHat dOwN iN tHat tUnNeL Lives aN oLd cOw nAmeD mOo mILky dAisEy.(nOw tO tHe esCaPe pLaN...jENg3;)...sO aftEr yEars oF pLaNniNg or mOre LikE tHiNkiNg of hOw tO pAss mOo miLky dAisEy fRoM tHe tUNnEL oF mAsCadeyR,hE mAde a dEciSiON...hE dEsiDed tO fACe hIs fEar aNd cOnfRONt tHe fUCkiNg cOw.he tHoUgHt tO hiMseLf "hOw sCAry cOuLd a dUmp cOw bY tHe nAMe oF mOo miLky dAisEy bE?"...hOpefULLy nOt tOo sCaRy...(tHe duMb tHiNg tO tHis stOry iS tHat hE sPeND yEaRs tHiNkiNg wHetHeR tO gO oR nOt tO gO aNd iN thE eNd hE eNds uP goiNG?dUhh)...sO as hE pAssEs cOuNt cOnstAntiNiO dE aLtozAdO estAmOrANo's gUaRds wHiLe tHey'Re iN a dEep sLuMbEr hE cReEps dOwn tO tHe cOw's tUNneL oF dEatH...it's dArk...u cAn oNLy hEar sOme wAteR driPpiNg iN fAr distAnCe...sUdDeNLy!(..jENG3..)...hE stUmbLe oN sOmEtHiNg aNd fALLs tO tHe cOLd,wEt sUrfAcE.hE's sHivEriNg aNd tHe sOuNd oF siLeNce iNvadEs hIs miNd.hE cOLLects hiS stReNgtH...cOurAge,tAkes hiS LaSt bReAtH aNd pRePaRes tO bE sLauGhtEred by wHateVer wAs cOmiNg fOr hIm.nOw hE's uP witH his eyEs cLosEd,hOpiNg tHat his dEatH wiLL bE quiCk aNd pAiNLeSs...bUt nOtHiNg hAPpeNs.......sO hE tries to oPeN his eyes sLowLy but changes his mind and witHoUt tHiNkiNg any futher hE staRts rUNniNg iN tHe oPpositE diRectiOn...hE rUNs aNd rUNs...wHiLe rUnNiNg hE sLips aNd sLidEs bUt mAnagEs tO gEt up quicKLy aNd cOntiNuE rUnNiNg.hE pAsSes thRoUgh nArrOw aReAs,pasSes thRoUgh sPidErweBs,pAssEs sHaLLow pOt hOLes,sHarp rOcks,a cOw,a gHost aNd sEvEraL mOre dAnGeRoUs iNsectS...hE kEeps oN rUNniNg witHoUt LoOkiNg bAck,thinking to himself thAt tHe thiNg hE triP oN migHt bE fOLLowiNg him.hE's tiRed aNd cANt gO aNy fUrtHer...sO hE fALLs tO tHe gRoUnd... (~tO bE cOntiNuEd...~)now i continUe tHis sTorY....hE wAkes uP aNd fiNds hIMseLf iNfroNt oF a coMputEr aNd cOntinues gets tO LaZy tO cOntiNue tHis dUmb stOry...THE END!!tHANks fOr rEadiNg!haHahaA!..

My Interests

iNteRestEd iN a buNcH of cRAp... i'M iNteRestEd iN

I'd like to meet:

oLd aNd fOrgOttEN fRiENdz


dangdut!urmmm... aNytHiNg my eArs LikE tO hEaR..


aNy fiLm dAt cAn cOme oUt iN tHe mOviEs...bUt nO mALay fiLms at tHe mOviEs...mALay fiLms aRe fOr uR dVd pLayEr tO pLAy at hOmE...


i hAv 2 tELeviSiOns at hOme. :) ... but oNe is bROkEN... ); nO aStRo!


cOmiC bOokS... etc.


stEpHeN cHiOw cHiN cHiOww

My Blog

life is weird...

hie...now is sunday,23:52:43 to be precise.okay,so now i'm listening to 'besame mucho' the beatles version.so i was kinda thinking,why was it so hard to actually stop smoking?why did it used to be so ...
Posted by XaDAmX on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 09:36:00 PST

this is funny try doing dis dumb quiz!duztak tengĀ²!

Name:Age: What Would You do if...I cried:I said I liked you:I kissed you:I was hospitalized:I ran away from home:We got in a fight:I got dumped:I pissed you off: What Do You Think Of My...Personality:...
Posted by XaDAmX on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST