Download our music!!!!
rar.htmlZespol powstal w Koszalinie w styczniu 2004 roku. Dlaczego? Bo tak... Bo Buli chcial pograc na bebnach (to On rzucil pomysl na zrobienie kapeli), a Maryjan postanowil mu w tym pomoc. Do zespolu (po roznych mikrozmianach) dolaczyli Roman (vocal), Hauka (bass) i Zaju (gramofon). I tak juz zostalo...
Kiedy juz powstal material, ktorego sie nie zamierzalismy wstydzic, to go nagralismy na plytku i zaczelismy sobie grac rozne koncerty... Potem powstala jeszcze jedna plyta i dalej sobie koncertowalismy. I tak jest caly czas. Spotykamy sie w sali prob, robimy powolutku nowe numery i potem sobie je gramy na koncertach. Lubimy to najbardziej i oby nam sie to nie znudzilo, no i zeby publice tez sie nie znudzilo...
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The band was brought to life in 2004 in Koszalin. Why? Because Buli wanted
to play drums and Maryjan decided to help him. After few changes of the
Niekret crew, three present members - Roman (vocal), Hauka (bass) and Zaju (gramophone) joined the band. And the band remained like that. When we made
material which we found not embarassing for us, we recorded the songs and
started playing shows. In 2005 we recorded our second album and played even
more concerts. We play rehearsals all the time, write new songs and play
them for the audience. That's what we like the most and let's hope that
neither we nor the audience will get bored of our music.Niekret i 4P/onil-video
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4P niekret Onil w studio