Kevin mySpacey profile picture

Kevin mySpacey

Let's kill it while it's still cute so we can miss it.

About Me

I have a dead frog with no legs instead of a brain.

Kapiram da su ti cyber pet-ovi ovog meseca IN, pa sam i ja metnuo jednog. A makaze su najbolji kutjni ljubimci, jer ne morash da ih hranish, uvek su spremni za igru i zabavu, i sa njima mozhesh da kasapish malu decu i penzionere. Beat that, hamster! ^_^

adopt your own virtual pet!

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My Interests

Drawing. Books. Movies. Design. Staring At The Sky. Laughing Like An Idiot. Cheap Whiskey. Sarcasm. Anteaters. Pinneapple. Clouds. Noise. Staring At People In The Ambulance/Hospital. Google Image Search. Sleeping With More Than 5 Pillows. Chili & Tabasco. My TeddyBear. Bald Women. Post-Apocalyptic Setting. Pyramid Head. Mobius strip. Francis Bacon. Trash Movies. Midget Porn. Snuff....

I'd like to meet:

Elvis, Princess Diane, retarded people, geeks, hermaphrodites, HIV positive people, people with caulophobia, fallout and silent hill freaks, women with moustache, samurai dudes and all the people who are called Zoe or Mickey.


Yakuza. Akira Yamaoka. Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds. Deftones. Godspeed You! Black Emperor. Lars Stigler. Tom Waits. Leonard Cohen. Morphine. Sleep. Feeel. 4g. Anoice. Burial. From Monument To Masses. Gregor Samsa. Laura. Lullabye Arkestra. Natsumen. Set Fire To Flames. Upcdowncleftcrightcabc+Start. O'Death. Te'. Coil. Windy & Carl. God Is An Astronaut. RJD2. Magyar Posse. Klever. 65DaysOfStatic. Four Hundred Years. Sons Of Saturn. Good For Cows. The Jesus Lizard. The Meatmen. Immortal. King Diamond. Mr. Bungle. Melvins. Fantomas. Absurd Conflict. Celtic Frost. Darkthrone. Elvenking. Gorerotted. The Shattering. Isis. Pelican. Khanate. Sunn O))). Klopka Za Pionira. TurkKnifesPope. Smf. Deca Loshih Muzichara. Tankard. XXX Maniak. Porcupine Tree. Antonio Vivaldi. Jurassic Five. Company Flow. Aphex Twin. Zvonko Bogdan. Johnny Cash. Jasmin Stavros. :S


Evil Dead Triology. Five Easy Pieces. They Live. Lost In Translation. The House Of Sand And Fog. K-Pax. American Beauty. Shining. Amarcord. La Haine. Clockwork Orange. Boondock Saints. Taxi Driver. Monty Python's Holy Grail. Emperor's New Groove. Storytelling. Oldboy. Odgrobadogroba. Kontroll. Tape. Barfly. David Lynch. Wim Wenders. Jim Jarmusch. Stanley Kubrick.


i don't watch TV, 'cause commercial breaks make me feel like i want to kill someone with a tv :Si watched coupling, only fools and horses, becker, family guy, monty python's flying circus, guzstav...


Branimir Shtjepanovitj "Usta Puna Zemlje". Vitomil Zupan "Igra Djavolovim Repom". JD Sallinger "Perfect Day For Banana-Fish". Franz Kafka. Douglas Adams.Currently Reading:


bruce campbell, chuck norris, aljosha vuchkovitj.

My Blog

get off the cross, the wood is needed. crtezhi. >_<

imaginarne korice za knjigu :?half-man half-swampbishopbusdoggy :?waiting...for drugs to make it real.look at me, jameshvala....
Posted by Kevin mySpacey on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 06:10:00 PST


Ovo je bio proshle godine zadatak iz engleskog...dobijesh prve dve rechenice...i onda svako treba da doda josh po jednu...redom...i da na kraju ispadne nekakva pricha...ovde je originalna verzija sa s...
Posted by Kevin mySpacey on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 08:27:00 PST

Pineapple and stuff.

God? This is god.Granny.Monkey."Don't eat me, please!", the cookie-man said....
Posted by Kevin mySpacey on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 12:44:00 PST

Zee ArtRage Artwork

ArtRage2.0. Genius Tablet....
Posted by Kevin mySpacey on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 06:42:00 PST

crtezhi...fotografije...and stuff.

fotografije sa letovanja. fotoshop. sranje, trudim se da koristim notped i emes pejnt u svim mogutjim prilikama, ali ovde sam morao da se prodam i komercijalizujem i predjem na fotoshop. :spits:neki n...
Posted by Kevin mySpacey on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 06:26:00 PST

Zee Flash Artwork

macromedia flash. genius tablet.there...ako se nekome svidja, nek me chasti pivom......
Posted by Kevin mySpacey on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 06:04:00 PST