Thank you.^.^
Freethinker. Easy-going and straightforward. Kinky, in the sense that being 'strikingly unconventional' is attractive. Quirky. Heard it described as 'avant-garde' a few times... 'Unique' is what the last official analysis concluded. I hate formal stuff.... yes sir, no sir, miss and ma'am. The gowns and the curls, though... I love to dress up, but I've always been the girl coming home with mud in her hair and grass stains on her knees, staining the healing scabs and clogging new battle wounds.... Maybe that's why I'm so dirty-minded... :p Whimsical... daydreamer.... Specialized interests that change constantly. I watch and listen much more than I show and tell. People are my favorite things to read second to books. Apathetic, I'm told.... It's my choice on whether I care or not, whatever the occasion might be. It gets me into some amount of trouble on several of those occasions, too. Meep, foo.