Condom Man profile picture

Condom Man

Condom Man to the Rescue

About Me

Condom Man - Saving the World from High Prices

People have sex. Young people have sex. College students have sex. Whether America wants to admit that to themselves is up to them. But in the meantime there's a job to be done, and that job is educating people on the options they have available to them when it comes to safe sex.

Our website has the cheapest prices on condoms guaranteed. I know this because I spend hours every week researching all condom prices online and making sure that we're the lowest around. We also provide a great variety of the best quality condom brands in the world. And most importantly we do it from the privacy and security of your personal computer. No standing in line at the 7-11 and having to deal with some potential douchebag behind the counter. Condoms, when used correctly, can increase the pleasure of sex, and not detract from it.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Every college kid who bought Natural Light instead of Heineken just because he needed to save up money for condoms.


Trojan Twisted Pleasure condoms are designed with a special “Twist” at the closed end to help stimulate both partners in their most sensitive areas.
The unique patented spiral design produces a new “twist” on lovemaking. The new shape allows for mutual stimulation for an enhanced overall experience.

The most popular condom in the world today. Durex Performax Condoms contain a special lubricant inside the condom that helps delay climax and prolong sexual excitement for longer lasting lovemaking.


Condom Man wants to be YOUR HERO! Add a Condom Man link to the 'Heroes' section of your profile and then send us a comment. Every week Condom Man will send someone 100 condoms for free! Because Condom Man is just awesome like that.

My Blog

So what's this page all about?

The last thing on earth I want to do is put up some bullshit corporate myspace page. I think that would officially give me nightmares. As such I want this to be more of Condom Man's page, as...
Posted by Condom Man on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 01:17:00 PST