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Holy Fuck I'm Married.

About Me

Just a guy.
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My Interests

Live music, Manchester United, New England Patriots, Dallas Mavericks, skydiving, and the best soon ta be wifey ever.

I'd like to meet:

Hunter S. Thompson (RIP), Dane Cook, Stanley Kubrick (RIP)


DEATH, Armen Van Buren, John Digweed, RJD2, Suede, The Smiths,Echo&the bunnymen, The Strokes,cradle of filth, david bowie,hall&oats,hernan cattaneo,tall paul,the cure,TOOL,flock of seagulls, and i'm tired of typing but trust me there is lots more


Scarface, Boondock Saints, Pulp Fiction, Human Traffic, Clockwork Orange,payback,DR strangelove,green street holligans,the omen(original version),etc/etc/


Nip/Tuck, Family Guy,robot chicken.....and such


The Eye of the World Series by Robert Jordan is my fave, brave new world,something wicked this way comes...and others


The Devil

My Blog

Keeping tracks

Hello again, just stopping by to write a bit more in the blogness. Been doing a bit more thinking about the future and i do belive i'am going to make a greater effort to start making music. It's been ...
Posted by James on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 12:17:00 PST

such as life.....

And it begins... life as a... couple. funny how one person can come into your life and it turns... not upside anything but right...just right. makes sillly shit seem right and right shit mean more and...
Posted by James on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 12:27:00 PST


I tell ya man these frigging refs in the nba are shit....all shit. i started watching the finals and playoffs to route for tha home team but jeez the mavs cannot catch a break, i wish the best for the...
Posted by James on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 09:51:00 PST