Colin & Wilz bring you the immortal word's of
Christopher 'take no shit' Walken.
I've given it some thought, and I, Christopher Walken can turn a potential negative into a major positive. Those who are apt to take me less seriously might point to the cowbell sketch (See SNL) as short-sighted evidence of this man's inability to lead the country. I say I could completely defuse that bomb by making the cowbell an integral part of my campaign hoopla.
Wouldn't you love to go to a Walken rally and bang a cowbell instead of just applauding. It could be my calling card. And it would freak out who opposed me as they listen from town to town as the number of cowbell ringers grew larger and the ringing got louder and louder. A sample from a future speech might go a little something like this;
"What this country needs is more people like you who want your children to have a better life than the one you had. What this country needs is a government that believes in the progress of science and will embrace stem-cell research. What this country NEEDS.... IS MORE COWBELL!"
[massive ringing of cowbells from audience]
And we're gonna KEEP RINGIN' 'EM until we're HEARD!"
[thunderous din of cowbells]
Walken For President in 2008....
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