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About Me


My Interests

I like to play golf. I just won a trophy for longest drive. I hit the ball 370 yards. NO SHIT snowmobiling motocross o yea i like beer...... a lot

I'd like to meet:

jack burton. !!!!!!!! THIS VIDEO HAPPENED ON MY FARM !!!!!!!!!


all, new rap sucks, wu tang forever


boon dock saints, super troopers, platoon, blackhawk down, all arnold movies buts esspecially predator and connan the barberian, spy games, hunt or red october, thomas crown affair, blow, old school, willow, the rings I-III, Star Wars old school only, accepted, oceans II, 12 sucked except for the lazer fields, all jet lee and jackie chan, rocky all, rambo all, scarface, belly, the right stuff, lucky number shelven, pirates of the carabian,...


all i need to know about tv is that ofter 11:00pm cinamax rocks


to some surprise i can read, but not spell, and i read often mostly military and intel. books


col. sanders and chuck norris After a long night of drinking chuck norris does not throw up; he throws down....... bitches