nell profile picture


I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

In numerology I fall under number 6, and these personalities are very patient and kind to their friends. Occasionally they might give out too much advice though. Thank goodness they are good listeners, because they have so much advice to give out. Lovers are worshiped in a sentimental manner , this number often puts people on pedestals. Expect your number six partner to show up with flowers if you are sick. These devoted individuals make great partners for someone who needs to be taken care of. In business, the number six character will blow you away with a combination of cheery homeliness and sharp business sense. These people know how to make anyone feel at home, whether they are talking to a big CEO or a janitor, they see everyone as being their equal. Number six individuals believe that they are accountable for their own actions, so you can count on them to have integrity. The higher self: At their best, the number six personality is the great teacher. This is their call in life. They are happiest when helping someone else learn. Their sense of integrity and loyalty can be put to good use. The number six individual can teach us all the value of being honest. They enjoy caring for others around them; these people can often be seen as councilors, psychologists and psychiatrists. This individual knows the meaning of selflessness and humility, and will do their best to raise the quality of life around all those around them. The shadow self: The number six personality might be a bit of a control freak at their worst. They know exactly what other people should do with their lives but are unable to understand what should be done in their own life. You might find that the number six personality will trap themselves into a relationship where they are being used. This type of individual will often complain that they are feeling like a doormat. A number six personality can be quite critical of others around them, only because they feel that their opinion is the only one that counts. The hardest lesson for a number six to learn is to let go and let others help themselves. They need to understand that assistance is a good quality but it s appreciated only when it s required.

My Interests

Basketball arcades, and all about my Computer.... That's all! remind me if you want to add.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone... but I much prefer.... YOU!!!! ;)


Slow Jam, Alternative, r N b, the best!!!


lord of the ring123, harry potter, Saving private ryan, and any fantasies and legends related movies.


Anime, TV Patrol, Insider, The Correspondents (any documented news & movies), Charmed, Buffy, Just 4 laugh, Ripleys, Guiness, Knowledge Power and 24 (bitin ka ba???)


Science books, Math books (except algebra) recipe books... delicious :p
