~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2008 Florida Gators SoftballOver 50 Wins!!#1 in the SEC~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~THE TRUTH OF WAR~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~2007 NCAA National Basketball Champions~~~~~~~~Florida 84, OSU 75~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FLORIDA GATORS 41 ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~OHIO STATE 14 ~~~~~~~~~~~~2006 NCAA NATIONAL CHAMPIONS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Felicity Plum, the little vixen
Depends on the mood and the activity. My tastes are definitely eclectic...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I love everything from comedy and action to romance - Guilty pleasure to subtitled - Why is it that I hear the dialogue in English in my head? - obviously a question for much, much later. Quentin Tarantino is a (perpetual) boy genius; Ang Lee is a man who knows what he's doing: The Wedding; Eat Drink Man Woman, Crouching Tiger...Anything with Salma Hayek or Sonia Braga - because they are both incredibly talented and versatile...no really.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
Not much time to watch TV, but....Walk Away- Pinks Theme Song
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Anything by Amy Tan; Zora Neale Hurston is the goddess of prose - Their Eyes Were Watching God. Sometimes a girl just really needs something easy to read, so John Grisham, Gerri Hill; Love that Fannie Flagg - girl's got a way with words/women/characters
Not sure about our collective definition of heroes - I've had many strong women who were my mentors and role models. I've known of people who put others before themselves: MLK, JFK, RFK, Rosa Parks...Keshia Thomas, 18 year-old Kent State Student, protecting a bigoted white supremist SOB who hopefully was a changed man after he benefited from the humanity of this courageous young woman ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Otherwise, I wll have to say Wonderwoman, Spiderman and any of the Fantastic Four~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~