"Cool Beans," said the beaner profile picture

"Cool Beans," said the beaner

so much time, so little to do, strike... reverse..

About Me

I'm, made of gas, very flamable, tend to be vulgar but very funny at the same time, always make people laugh... guess i'm just quite the life of the party. i always seem to sneek up at the most unwanted times. like to drive with the windows up, heater on. seem to be stronger in the shower. and i sometimes bring some unwanted friends along. when it comes down to it, like it or not, i'm just a part of everybody's life.This profile was edited with MySpace Help - Profile Creator and Editor MySpace Profile Help!

My Interests

A damn good sanwich. I was know to go to San Diego just for the day to get a sandwich down at F-Coffee.(Trust me!! it was worth it). Now I make the damn good sandwich. Please visit me @Crescent Moon Cafe 109 N. Oregon El Paso, TXMention you read my profile on MySpace.com and get a bagel and house coffee for $2.50

I'd like to meet:

I'm, made of gas, very flamable, tend to be vulgar but very funny at the same time, always make people laugh... guess i'm just quite the life of the party. i always seem to sneek up at the most unwanted times. like to drive with the windows up, heater on. seem to be stronger in the shower. and i sometimes bring some unwanted friends along. when it comes down to it, like it or not, i'm just a part of everybody's life.This profile was edited with MySpace Help - Profile Creator and Editor MySpace Profile Help!


thres once HOLD IT NOW, HIT IT (Beastie Boys)

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Twin Falls Idaho, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Molholland Dr. Go. Sabrina


My Name is Earl, The Office, Two and a Half men, Law and Order


Mötley Crüe's " The Dirt" Dan Brown minus deception point


The Ambiguously Gay Duo. The pink Power Ranger, Sigfrid and Roy. Musicaly; George Micheal, Jimmy Summerville, Yanni, Kenny G