Biker Laura profile picture

Biker Laura

Two wheelin whenever possible!

About Me

Rather than writing a book, I will just spit out a few words... Independent (notice the capital "i"), straight-shooter, painter, bikertrash, engineer, adventurous, animal-lover, omnivore, chocoholic, funny, decorator, tall (but not super-tall), amazon, crafty, good baker, detail-oriented, travel-guide, blonde, organized, AND smart-ass (but that includes smart)!

My Interests

motorcycles (I have an Indian Chief and Triumph Sprint.) I love to travel too, whether it is for business or fun. Check out some of my pictures for my trips around the world.


The iPod is filled with different kinds; Lhasa de Sela is my favorite, but most don't know her.


Not the crappy ones.


Desperate housewives and ER(a testiment to how dorky I am)