Well, I'm just another Hiphop critic. I write for several places: blogs, sites and mgazines, as well as my own blog. I like to meddle in healthy, mind-opening discussions concerning Hiphop, whether it referrs to the music style or the culture itself.
I follow portuguese Hiphop with interest and curiosity, patiently waiting for the (r)evolution to arise. However, it's the indie, internacional Hiphop that owns my heart and my love, so it's no-one's surprise that I enjoy criticize indie rap more then the portuguese one.
Most of times I try to be objective and fair in my critics, but sometimes I clearly opt to be tendentious, passionate, irrational and either unleash my enthusiasm for some issue/artist/album or roughly, shamelessly hate on it. I usually keep those in my personal blog, because that's where non-professional opinions belong.
And that's that.
All this and much more, in Portuguese, at