Ennui profile picture


Pigs that speak Latin are pigs I don't wish to cross

About Me

I have a major crush on music.

My Interests

Music (playing,) music (listening to,) writing the fiction, abhoring the non-fiction section, questioning my spelling, video games (regression)trying everything in my power to catch SARS (sublimation,) mastering the art of poker (ego), enjoying the benefits of poker, wishing I was in film school (I'm not, by the way,) philosophy, learning about those wacky Easterners, grimacing, being savory, pimping myself out on MySpace as it would seem, animism, and trying to be the most eccentric, latent dude I know (got it down to a science)

I'd like to meet:



Japanese Grindcore


If you're a dude, never watch Bad Eduction. Trust me.


MTV is the bane of my life. VH1 just looks on and wishes it could draw as much contempt.


Anything by Susan Cooper, Maggy Weis, or Tom Robbins. Rowling. The Art of War by Sun-Tzu. Doyle Brunson's Supersystem of Poker. Green Eggs and Ham.


Harold Ramis, The Office, Jon Luvitz (I think I misspelt his name, but he deserves no less than that, really,)SARS and it's prodigous relative, Bird Flu, Spell Check, The Dixie Chicks (unless they're playing music,) Kirk Cameron, Bo Bice, John Belushi (not the dude from K-9, by the way,) Doyle Brunson, Yoshihiro Togashi, Bruce Lee, Family Guy, YouTube, the Cobra organization, the lead singer of Foreigner,

My Blog

Bombastic Parenting Advice

Stop taking your kids to Hooters. What the fuck are you trying to teach them? That skanks are cool? Well, I mean.. Granted, skanks are pretty cool. But kids shouldn’t know that shit til they&rsq...
Posted by Ennui on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 06:26:00 PST