Cormies....."borning muuniful"
i like nice folk.
you know, i dunno anymore. I am a sucker for classic rock to be honest, anything dating from 1975ish to 1987ish is alright in my books, i really like old motown, anything with soul and feeling really. I don't like music that purely focuses on rythm rather than soul, that doesn't make much sense to me. i like thrashy metal too. prince gives me the YES feeling, middle of the road does not.jazzy is good too. i like music.
only the obvious ones that everyone else seems to like, don't really care to mention them all.
english comedy cracks me right up.
any and all Charles Bukowski, Praise "Henry Chinaski", henry miller, leonard cohens stranger music, tom robbins, goodnight moon, love you forever.