Video games, cartoons, anime, art, swimming, the perfect cocktail, webcomics, swimming, and other stuff.
"People...meeeeeting....peeeeeooople..." Um, no one really. Just another www to sign up for and I did it. Do I get the cookie they promised me now? Huh?
Red Hot Chili Peppers, Tori Amos, NIN, Manson, Grateful Dead, Sublime, Beck, Jimmy Eat world, Pink Floyd
Labrynth, Neon Genesis Evangelon, Trigun, Slayers, Lain, Ever After, more I can't think of now *runs to her racks of dvds and gets lost*
Adult Swim, Heroes, Studio 60, Dead Like Me, just about any game show...and...uh, thats about it
Those funny things on paper that aren't on the intraweb? Pffft.
Myself. I'm my own hero. And jetsers. Worship us, we rule. Maybe I'll make an exception for Aaron Sorkin, if I could only write dialogue like him....