A New Breed

About Me

Welcome, you are in the zone with the A-Team, Ayahno Entertainment. We are a distribution and recording company base in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. We are a Limited Liability Company, operating within the guide lines of the FL statues. We understand the complications that independent artists face when trying to get their music out. We can put your music in over 50 stores. Email us at [email protected] for information on how we can help you distribute your music or feel free to stop by our website, you are always welcome. www.ayahno.com Music Is Life, live it up.3.0.5 by Yung Fame

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Member Since: 5/21/2006
Band Website: ayahno.com
Band Members: well, here is a short list of musicians on the label: Tania K., Yung Fame, C.J.S, Kimberly Rod. Mystic Jay, Kim K. and Hard Heads. These are all Hip-Hop and R&B artists but as a company we are open to all genre.
Influences: Life...for Music Is Life
Sounds Like: Heads up

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Record Label: Ayahno Entertainment LLC
Type of Label: Indie

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Where to download this album

To purchase the album or tracks you like, you can at these online stores and more: Apple iTunes Apple itunes Japan Music.net MusicNow Rhapsody Hard Headed the album by the Hard Heads 17 tracks of club...
Posted by AYAHNO ENTERTAINMENT on Sun, 23 Jul 2006 06:45:00 PST