KaLog, MakuLit, MabAit at Syempre MaKaKsundo ko, SaMe inTerest wIth me!!!madaling pakisamahan...SenSible...Witty...at me Sense of HumouR!!!
KaLog, MakuLit, MabAit at Syempre MaKaKsundo ko, SaMe inTerest wIth me!!!madaling pakisamahan...SenSible...Witty...at me Sense of HumouR!!!
R&B, alternative, rock!!!! sentimental love songs, all sorts of music khit masaket sa tenga!!!!
10 ThinGs I HATE aBouT U, TheRe'S SomeThing ABoUt MARY, THe WEDDIng SInger, AmeRiCan Pie 1 & 2, SerEndiPity, CoN-Air, FaCe-Off, HocuS PoCus, TiTAniC!!!
SmallViLLe, CharMEd, MEteOr GArdEn 1 & 2, BuFFy, DaWsOn'S CrEEk, RoSweLL, 7tH HEaVeN
aLL HArry POtter books, Stephen KiNgs BoOks, SidNey Shieldon BooKs, DeAn KooNtz, AnnE Rice
SuPErMAn....syempre d YOUNG Clark KEnt (TOM WELLING)....at c SPiDerMAn......syempre c TOBY MAGUIRE naman....