Lily of Killarny profile picture

Lily of Killarny

I am here for Friends

About Me

God, how these walls still cramp my soul,
This cursed, stifling prison-hole
Where even heaven's dear light must pass
Dimly through panes of painted glass!
Hemmed in by books to left and right
Which worms have gnawed, which dust-layers choke,
And round them all, to ceiling-height,
This paper stained by candle smoke,
These glasses, boxes, insteruments,
All stuffed and cluttered anyhow,
Ancestral junk- look at it now,
Your world, this world your brain invents!
'Un man qui craint les voleurs n'est point digne d'amour'
There is a mower death yclept. Hath power which the Lord hath kept. When he 'gins his scythe to whet, keener it grows and keener yet, soon will he slash, man must endure the gash.
~ Berlin Alexanderplatz
I'm a haughtily intellectual (or would like to think myself as such) and enjoy having intellectual conversations that last for hours. And no, it doesn't really matter if you agree with my views or not. I also have high expectations for humanity, but keep getting let down which leaves me to be a pessimist in the long term. I do enjoy as much of my day to day life as possible so am a very happy person. My life is full of contradictions and i've come to accept that.
MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

the depth and bredth of my interest extend to any place my mind wanders.

I'd like to meet:

Let's see... well there is Cleopatra (I'd love to see if she's really as charming as they say), Goethe, Anne Rice, John Lennon, Mephestopheles, Gastmann, Kaethe Kollwitz (feminist, humanist, socialist artist. Honestly what's not to love?), Karl Marx, Lenin (Just to ask how he could honestly fuck up Communism so horribly), Queen Liliuokalani, Martin Luther, MLK, Gandhi, Friz Lang, Thomas Mann... well those are all of the famous people I can think of at the moment. Otherwise, I'm willing to talk if you are.


I find that all music has it's time and place to be played. I don't like to confine myself to the limits of certain genres or specific bands. Tastes and preferences change... much more often then I like to update my profile.


"I know nothing of god or the devil. I have never seen a vision nor learned a secret that will damn or save my soul," said by Armond in Interview with the Vampire. I'm mostly into dramas, animation and kung fu... but my moods change and so do the movies i like to see.


My Family, Black Adder, Stargate- SG1, The Daily Show, Colbert Report, Dirty Jobs, What Not to Wear, Mythbusters.... pretty much anything viewed as geeky or nerdy, i'll probably be watching


Persepolis, Son of the Shadow, Circus of the Damned, Perfume by Patrick Sueskind, anything by Diderot and Kant. My favorite though, is the great Marx... Also anything by Goethe, Thomas Mann or Anne Rice.


Batman... superhero with no mutant or alien powers... just lots and lots of cash, what's not to love?

In actuallity... Herr Figge! Best Prof a girl could ask for. Thanks Herr Figge for introducing me to Faust and Meph, Baerlach and Gastmann! "Take out a sheet of paper. Put your name at the top, that's fairly obvious. Number from one to five."

My Blog

Woo Thunder!!

First thunder clap of the year! I'm soooo happy!! Thunder Storms one of the only things good about Ohio.
Posted by Lily of Killarny on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 08:28:00 PST


I swear, I have to have contracted some form of adult ADHD or something. I can NOT for the life of me seem to work on anything that I'm supposed to. For instance, I have my huge senior project due in ...
Posted by Lily of Killarny on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 07:41:00 PST

Feeling Invisible

Feeling ivisible to those you care about puts you on the fast track to depression. It has you crying yourself to sleep. Leads you to ask yourself inaine questions that'll drive you crazy. Such as: "Do...
Posted by Lily of Killarny on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 10:48:00 PST

How long before it's gone?

Oh Myspace Blog, how we haven't seen eachother in a very LONG time. Why I feel like writting in you instead of LJ is kind of beyond me at this point. I feel so lost at the moment. I would love to be ...
Posted by Lily of Killarny on Sat, 15 Jul 2006 11:04:00 PST


Why do we get headaches? what's the evolutionary purpose of them? I mean, how is it benificial to the human race to be disabled by you're head hurting so much? I hate them and I think they should die!...
Posted by Lily of Killarny on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


I'm lost and alone in a world of darkness... my guidinglight has dissapeared.
Posted by Lily of Killarny on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

what ever happened to "i will never hurt you"?

you allready new i was down this week. then you say that i shouldn't come to visit. Now you're saying that you need a break! it's like kicking a dead horse. my life can't get any worse.
Posted by Lily of Killarny on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

why is it...

Why is it that when you're sad and just wanna listen to unhappy loud music happy songs always come up on the mix? it just makes me feel worse then i alreadys do... stupid mix... ...
Posted by Lily of Killarny on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

is it so hard?

Is it so hard to ask someone to go to a meal? or to join you for one? Is it so hard to try and include someone in your planned activities? Is it so hard to treat someone the same way they treat you? ...
Posted by Lily of Killarny on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


My school just expelled four people and suspended one. why you may ask, because they got drunk found markers and wrote on the walls. Granted that security thought it MAY have been a demented swastika,...
Posted by Lily of Killarny on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST