Cool SlideshowsI am a gambler!! Bad!! Let me see, I lOve Baseball! GO AstrOs!! Yah!!! Let me see. . Arguing, Yup. That's me!! Just give me a reasOn!!! HOnestly, Half the time, I COme up with my Own reasOn!! In jOke, Of cOurse!! SOmetimes!! LOL DOn't upset me!! :)~
I'd like to meet:
The "MOney Tree Bitch" As a child, she has always been the One persOn I have wanted tO meet. . . Still have yet tO meet her!! BUT. . . I dO tell my kids all abOut her!! LOl! :)~ . . . AND. . .
The ASTROS team . . . The whOle team!! Can't leave One Of them Out!! GRRRRRR!!! What? I'm a HUGE fan! DOn't judge me! :)~
And the famOus "Herbal Essence" chick!! Yeah, whO dOesn't want tO meet her? EveryOne dOes. . Only, my reasOn is NOT the reasOn yOu are thinking, Dirty minds!! :)~
I just want tO see if she gets paid enOugh tO make thOse nOises sO the whOle wOrld can hear!! LOL Shhheeeshh!! :)~
Last but nOt least. . SOmeOne whO dOesn't lie. There's nO need fOr lying. Why wOuld yOu lie tO sOmeOne and actually act like yOu want tO get tO knOw them? HOw wOuld lying help? DOn't yOu want sOmeOne tO like yOu, fOr yOu. . nOt fOr yOur StOries? Or lies shall we say!? :)~
I mean. . what IF yOu actually start liking this persOn and yOur telling lies? What's dOne in the dark, is seen in the light! YOur Only hurting yOurself! YOu shOuld lOve yOurself mOre than that!!!
Okay. . Okay. I will shut up now! :)~ BE HONEST!!! Thank you. :)
All kinds Of music. Depends On my MOOD!! Music is great!! It says alOt Of things peOple feel. Just can't put intO their Own wOrds!! That's all!! The Only thing I dOn't quite understand is hOw sOmeOne can listen tO Depressing music, when they are already depressed? LOL Make sense? Nahhh! But, I'm One Of them!! LOL
I LOve cOmedy And Of cOurse like almOst any female rOmance . . . Suspense. . Uhhhh, Adam Sandler. . NOt real big on ActiOn mOvies. . But, sOmetimes I have nO cOntrOl Of the remOte and I get stuck watching it. . No wOrries, I fall asleep anyway, lol :)~
Nick at Night. . GOtta lOve it. . Will and Grace. . YEAH!!! Small PeOple, Big wOrld. . UnsOlved Mysteries. . Just nOt alOne or at night. . The theme sOng scares me. . LOL Quit laughing. . It scare yOu tO! Admit it, Chicken shit. . lol COld Case Files. . . NOT A BIG FAN OF REALITY TV. . Hate it. I mean. . It's Over Rated.
Ok. . I will be expecting alOt Of hate mail fOr that remark. . GO ahead. Send away! I can be Mean tO!! *Evil Eye!! * :)~
BOOKs. . GOOD questiOn. . SOmetimes I get that "I feel like reading bug. . " But, I never let it get tO me. I have to be intO sOmething tO actually sit there and read it. . The cOver Of it has to catch my eye. . If nOt. FORGET it. . WHAT!? I tOld yOu frOm get gO. . I am Weird!! :P
Well. . . I have a few HerO's!!
My Dad,WhO is retired nOw, but served his time in the Military he was in Vietnam and and my GrandFather, whO was in WOrld War 2!! Fighting for their cOuntry!!! And all the SOilder's whO are fighting fOr us tOday!!!!
I lOve yOu all!!! :)My MOther, whO did a GREAT jOb raising me, my sister and my brOther. . . A single parent!!! I hOpe I dO a great jOb raising mine, like my MOther did with us! :) Always making sure we had everything we needed. . . and then sOme!! I LOve yOu MOm!! :)And my BOys!!! FOr gOing tO schOOl and Making A/B hOnOr rOll. . . It ain't easy!!! AlsO, Being respOnsible and being understanding, Aswell as being a GREAT BOys!!!! Hang in there!!!
And ElrO, fOr having a little hardier life, but sticking thrOugh it and making the best Of it!!!
I lOve yOu, bOys :)And of Course . . . The Care Bears!! Rainbow Bright. . Yah!!!