&if you don't already know, ma names Ji. ;]
"Love is a hidden fire, a pleasant sore, a delicious pain, an agreeable torment, a sweet and throbbing wound, a gentle death."
It takes time to get to know me.
I am Sweet, kind, blunt, rude, ferocious, sweet tempered/ill tempered, caring/careless, friendly/unfriendly, talkative,& filled with smiles. It all depends on which side you bring out in me. Bring out the better side&you just might fall for my sweetness. Haha lemme stop. I'm only kidding ofcourse.
I can count my true friends using one hand. I don't make time for people who aren't worth my time. If that makes me an asshole, so be it then. If you get at me and I tend not to respond, keep trying. That usually works. Persistence is a good quality sometimes. =) Don't get it twisted. I said sometimes.
&Please don't come at me with no "You are sexy. Holla at me" kinda shit. I get enough. The simple grammatical mistakes make those messages even worse. Come at me with a real message if you want a response back. Real Simple.
Oh, &Since everyone wants to know what I look for&want in a guy, I'll clarify that for yall too. Everything I want? I got it. I'll break that further down for yall. It's Eddie.
Quick Intro.
Weight: 110
Nationality:This mami is Korean. No Doubt!
Status: Eddie all day every day.
Currently:Attending Hunter getting my edu-ma-cation :) Ya dig??