Hey everyone, first I'd like to say thanks for visiting my page which will be ever evolving. As you can tell I'm all about getting my face out there. I'll be working on my websites real soon. I plan on have them up and running ASAP so stay tuned! I'm a Brooklyn girl at heart "BK ALL DAY!" I was born there it's my hometown and my first love, though I've lived a lot of places in my life. I currently attend college working on my degree in Business Marketing and Management. I love anything that has to do with music and fashion. I believe everyone should love life and live it to the fullest. I believe eveyone should follow ther dreams it's never too late. I believe in having a career not just a job. You should do what you love and love what you do. Above all I believe you should believe in yourself and trust in GOD. BELIEVE THAT ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!!......Love Tiff
P.S. I'm a little behind on my friend requests and messages so if it takes a couple of days for me to get back to you please don't take it personal, I'll get to you as soon as i can.