awesomexalli profile picture


NEW PICTURE lickmytittays: you look like someone that does cronic LMFAO

About Me

Judge not for what I do, or how I look, but for what I know and say
Hi I am alli and I have the dysfunctional life you have been yearning for.
and I use myspace to get away from all of it
so before you tell me I am on the computer to much I have realized this already
I am not going to sit here and tell you not to judge me
Or say I am not prep, emo, scene or any of that
I will automatically say I am all of the above I am not either but all
Because everyone has a side that people see and it is always different
Even if it is not noticed
But I will not say I will not judge you, because I wont lie and say I don’t judge and I admit to it I do, but I try my hardest not to, and you cannot say you don’t judge people either
I will not say I am better than you,
because there is something you may be better at then me.
I am not all wise or smart, but I do know how to live my life.I have an immense amount of creativity in me
but I am not going to go to art school and do that as a profession ,
because I will help do something with more knowledge containing about life and its wonders

I find that i tend to care more about others than i do myself, fore having the ability to invoke a smile upon anothers face is of the greatest gifts. "a talent left unused is a talent wasted"
I will say I cannot/could not do anything without the help of my friends but they are not the power of me, I have the decisions on my life they are just there to help
There is no need to impress me because, I probally already like you, and you will probally humiliate yourself by doing it. So just talk and act normal.
----[Aim] yep im imperfect
Say theses things to me i block you:
-Why dont you come up to meet me
-Want to cyber
-Send me your nudes
-Or if you hit on me and your ugly
View My 53k Friends
Please don't say you would like more people that were like me, because without difference and power, and oppinion the world would be in total utter choas. And I would rather have chaos that you can mend not fix and help, with some order. Believe it or not the world cannot be perfect nor the people, but you can still make a difference.

My Interests

Im not being mean but if you steal my song i will shank you♥ i mean it

I'd like to meet:

I am forewarning you now, I have a sister with Austism she has Asperger's Disorder. And yes I know she does not look like a girl, but I don't care. So if you say the word retard around me, do not expect me to sit around and take it. Because it is politically incorrect, and it is hurtful and degrading. So watch your mouth.

Please Dont Message Me Or Comment Me Asking Me About My Layout If You Want One Go Comment My Blog here And I Will Make You One


add my eBFF


Me and Chuck listen to "I wanna fuck you".
& after that me and scott are going on a date to sonic


whore 4 whorei love her


Crush this person!


1001 Sexual positions and how to satisfy a women =)..........Fa Sho....haha.....SCORP AND I AFTER A SHOW THE GIRLS AND I I JUST LOVE BOOTIE ONE SEXY CLUB PROMOTERMY GIRL NOEL....



My Blog

Do you want a layout like mine?

Idk but i keep getting IM's or Messages on people wanting a layout like mine so i decided to be nice and make a blog that you can fill out and i will make you a layout like mineyou need to tell mewhat...
Posted by awesomexalli on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 12:45:00 PST


Support Me Or Believe in what I believe pass my banner around so others can be influnced tell me you are using one i would be gladly to comment your pictures or somethingSupport Me Or Believe in what ...
Posted by awesomexalli on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 07:55:00 PST

Who Am I?

I am a teenager. I am ignorant, illiterate and irresponsible. I lie, cheat, steal and hate for no apparent reason. I am rude, inconsiderate and, to all appearances, completely lost. I have never ...
Posted by awesomexalli on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 05:32:00 PST

Ask Me Anything

Here is the blog where you ask my anything, and i answer honestly to every single question. Ask AwayDont Forget Kudos
Posted by awesomexalli on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 03:55:00 PST