Matts Matt Attack profile picture

Matts Matt Attack

The older they come, the older they fall...a lot...i fall a lot. do the math a-hole

About Me

Well ... I wipe my hands on the walls, drink warm sudzy beer, jump kick very well, curse a fucking LOT, bite my nails, pick my nose (i also wipe that on the walls), have a bad temper, get fed up with idiots and curse at them, eat in my underwear...Sandwich Monkey...

My Interests

I've got a few, it really boils down to monkeys and mongoloids. more specifically, monkeys on motorcycles jumping over a bus full of mongoloids. i'm interested in drawing that scenario. it never comes out the same.

I'd like to meet:

That really strange looking guy with the strange voice that was in a lot of movies in the 70' know the one.


Pink Floyd, The Veils, Velvet Underground, Stooges, Mogwai, T Rex, Luna, Sigur Ros, the Verve, Stones, Libertines, Mere Mortals, Primal Scream, Faces, the Wrens, Kinks, Gram Parsons, Byrds, Belle and Sebastian, Wilco, Twilght Singers, Super Furry Animals, The Smiths, Morrissey, Can, Grandaddy, Clinic, Ride, DJ Shadow, Doves, Radiohead, Spiritualized, Spacemen 3, Suede, the Shins, Death in Vegas, Television, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, Chad VanGaalen, Arctic Monkeys, Babyshambles etc


Coupon! the movie, Beyond the Valley of the Dolls, Devils, Zardoz, Friday the 13th, Cable Guy, In Like Flint, GI Joe (Cobra!!!) Elf, Lebowski, Super Troopers, NEW YORK DOLL


MTC (Monkey Trauma Center) Chappell's Show, Simpsons, Dukes of Hazzard, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Seinfeld, Six Feet Under, Insomniac, That awesome Ninja show on G4. have you seen it? it's awesome. Ninja's are tuff.


Hell's Angels, On The Road, Big Sur, the Munch Bunch, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Catcher in the Rye, Dictionary, Blue Cross Health Benefits Manual


Keith Richards, Hunter Thompson

My Blog

Hot Dog Summer 2007

Hot Dog Summer (HDS) is something very special...something we all need to devote more time and belly space to, this coming season. It's the special time of year, when you can go outside, throw a few d...
Posted by Matts Matt Attack on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 03:02:00 PST


Well it pains me to say it, but Hot Dog Summer is almost officially over. I feel ashamed to say that it never really kicked off like it has in the past. i probably only consumed 20-25 hot dogs through...
Posted by Matts Matt Attack on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 10:25:00 PST

What the blog?

Blog you! You Blogged up the toilet you blogging blogger!
Posted by Matts Matt Attack on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST