acting, singing, fashion, clubs/bars/parties, musicals, beach, men, sunshine, hip-hop dance(would LOVE to do a few jobs as a back-up dancer in music videos), & ballet dance- just ALL dance in general!, running, the fam, movies, pilates, fishing, white wine, film producers, oceans, Los Angeles ... & you. ;)
*ANYONE from CSUN would be awesome!.. but otherwise- ANYBODY, i LOVE all types of PEOPLE!!!*dudes. love the dudes- (unless you're a CLINGER- HATE the clingers!!)
Guns n' Roses, Jessica Simpson, Mozart, Britney Spears (but good lord what happened to the poor girl...?!), Aerosmith, or ANYTHING that makes me feel like dancin
THE SANDLOT!!, Eyes Wide Shut, American Pie (i love Stiffler! haha), Napolean Dynamite, Meet Joe Black, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Lord of the Rings
nip/tuck!!!, Rescue Me, Sex and the City
my mom.