Lizzy profile picture


"I used to think as I looked at the Hollywood night, 'There must be thousands of girls sitting alone

About Me

I'm a GENUINE sweetheart, and that's hard to find. I only have the best intentions and have zero respect for fake, 2-faced people.~~sorta sassy, so if you're an extremely sensitive individual, stay away. :)~~Pretty quirky~~When havin a GREAT time, I project it so LOOK-OUT cuz I'm LOUD/WILD & CRAZY!!~Very, very girly.. but I'm not afraid to get dirty.. And I LOVE mud! ..There's something so exciting about being in nice, new clothes- & having to get em dirty! haha~~I'm pretty damn ambitious.. Have a BIG dream & have been dreaming that same big dream for quite a long time. I believe if I stay as driven as I am it'll come true in a big, BIG way... you'll see. :)

My Interests

acting, singing, fashion, clubs/bars/parties, musicals, beach, men, sunshine, hip-hop dance(would LOVE to do a few jobs as a back-up dancer in music videos), & ballet dance- just ALL dance in general!, running, the fam, movies, pilates, fishing, white wine, film producers, oceans, Los Angeles ... & you. ;)

I'd like to meet:

*ANYONE from CSUN would be awesome!.. but otherwise- ANYBODY, i LOVE all types of PEOPLE!!!*dudes. love the dudes- (unless you're a CLINGER- HATE the clingers!!)


Guns n' Roses, Jessica Simpson, Mozart, Britney Spears (but good lord what happened to the poor girl...?!), Aerosmith, or ANYTHING that makes me feel like dancin


THE SANDLOT!!, Eyes Wide Shut, American Pie (i love Stiffler! haha), Napolean Dynamite, Meet Joe Black, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Lord of the Rings


nip/tuck!!!, Rescue Me, Sex and the City


my mom.