Music, Dancing, Traveling, Reading Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
Good people, of all shapes and colors, relgions, ideologies, sexes, nationalities, etc....Also Sallie Richardson, Jessica Alba, MLK, Malcolm X, Nelson Mandela, Assata Shakur and my future wife :)
Hip Hop, R&B, Salsa, Bachatta, Merengue, Reggae, Reggaeton, Some Rock and Pop
Angels and Demons, the Da Vinci Code, Tuesdays with Morrie, The Five People you met in Heaven.........I ADVISE EVERYONE TO READ ANYTHING MITCH ALBOM WRITES.....THE ISH IS DOPE........HIS NEW BOOK IS OFF THE CHAIN
Wanda Jean & Magdeleine Lavergne for teaching me that life is preciousBillie Archie for always being that male role model when no one else would and your unconditional love.Velma Archie for being the rock and a prime example of triumph over adversityMy Mother for raising probably one of the most difficult and hard headed children alive...Mrs Wood, Mrs Phoenix, Mrs. Goolsby and Mr. Stinnett for believing and motivating me