My first single "Ya Se Acabo" is now in itunes.
Hi friends and visitors! My name is Suleyma. I've been living in H-town preety much all my life.I love my family with all my heart. I have the greatest "best" friends that anyone could ask for. They truly are irreplaceable! I'm a laid back girl that appreciates everyday as if there was no tomorrow. This page started out for promotion purposes. It has continued on for music networking and friend communication. *LOVE thyself as you will prosper your love for others. Stay strong through all your triumphs. Speak the truth. Don't falter to the weak. Pray through all your days* Muah!She had the confidence that she was being invited into a SPACE of love and being surrounded in that D'vine embrace gave her the desire to show her deep love in return. Luke 12:1-9).
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