7 Samurai, The Count of Monte Christo, Shawshank Redemption, Shogun, The Professional, Ran, Yojimbo, Braveheart, Scarface, Greenmile, Amadeus, Gladiator, School of Rock, Ray, Glory, Saving Private Ryan, The Pianist, Enemy at the Gates, Coming to America, DC Cab, Revenge of the Nerds, Borat, Nacho Libre, Conan the Barbarian, Master and Commander, Return of the Jedi, Bad Santa
PBS - Frontline, Nova, AMC, Comedy Central - Reno 911, The Office
The Art of War, Tao, Book of 5 Rings, Walden, Old Man and the Sea, I-Ching, Animal Farm, 1984, The writings of Confucius. The writings of Napoleon, Lincoln, Churchill, Huck Finn, poems by Emerson, writings from Thorreau. Red Badge of Courage. i'll read just about anything on eastern philosophy. A ton of books I read back in elementary school that still mean something to me.
Parents, Jesus, Steve Jobs, Winston Churchill, Lincoln, Mother Theresa, FDR, MLK, Buddha, The Prophet Mohamad, Stephen Hawkins, Ted Turner.