musical events. vegetarian/ethnic restaurants. sharing cars. "jamming". "luck". playing dress up. thrifting. trips. festivals. south korea. shake and shimmy. let's ride bikes. seattle. sfu. my home, my lovely roomie. strip and *click*.
people i already know, people i knew, possibly more local folks, musicians, people with magic days. a pretty lady.
fog. the books, the microphones, the winks. akron/family, grizzly bear, ugly casanova, organ trail, swamp camp. pinback, movietone. american analog set, mates of state, joan of arc, tarran the tailor. jess hill, steve nelson, anni rossi, elliott smith, jose gonzalez. juana molina, amiina, melodia. it's a living thing, do make say think, el perro del mar. motown and old soul/funk. ~proximity breeds warmth~ + mix cds from special someones... and more. yes, more, please.
drama or documentary style, mostly... strange, colourful and emotive, preferably.. with darker themes, usually. a few more recent examples: megacities, old boy, the science of sleep, shortbus, oasis...
the wonder years, freaks and geeks, the office, scrubs..
an english major without a hardcore passion for books.. some of my favourite authors have been daniel quinn, hermann hesse and anais nin (diaries). i'm currently enjoying my class in victorian literature in which we're studying 'oliver twist', 'alice's adventures in wonderland' and 'the picture of dorian gray'.