Reading, Education, I am learning to cook and I love it. Getting good at it actually. Travel, Wines, love.
If he were still alive: Albert Einstein. I would currently like to meet: Denzel Washington...I think he is a great role model for young kids and he is a great actor. He seems really level headed. Gary Ullman, great actor, real intense, heart felt roles. Selma Hayek simply because I think she is Gods Finest creation. She is beautiful, sexy and a real knockout. Sorry can't tell you what else I am thinking about when I think of her...wooo Hooo. Kate Winslet and Tia Careera.
Smooth Jazz..Some R&B, sometimes, depending on the mood, classical.
Favorite movies: Glory, Men of Honor, Crash.
House M.D., History channel, TLC, National Geographics, Everybody loves Raymond.
Ernest Hemingway: To have and have not, True at first light, Movable feast. The Da Vinci Code,..and the like..
Jesus Christ.