Dancing, Skiing, Surfing, Scuba Diving, Horse Riding, Downhill Mountain Biking, Backpacking, Running, Reading, Writing, Music.
I enjoy meeting people who are passionate about growing in love, kindness, character and power.
Jason Upton, Don Potter, Kevin Prosch, Coldplay, U2, some rare House & Trance.
The Passion Of Christ, Hero, Millions, Born Into Brothels, Gattaca, Waking Ned Devine, House Of Flying Daggers, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Dances With Wolves, Legends Of The Fall.
I don't watch TV but when I have I like Bill O'Reilly on Fox News because he says it the way it is and Biography on A&E because there are so many interesting people in the world.
"The Bible" by God, "The Pursuit Of God" by A.W. Tozer, "Why Revival Tarries" by Leonard Ravenhill, "Reese Howells: Intercessor" by Norman Grubb, "Visions Beyond The Veil" by H.A. Baker, "Listen To Me Satan" by Carlos Annacondia, "When Heaven Invades Earth" by Bill Johnson, "The Christian's Secret Of A Happy Life" by Hannah Whitall Smith, "The Hobbit" & "The Lord Of The Rings" by J.R. Tolkien.
Jesus, My Grandfather, Todd Atkinson, Heidi Baker, Mike Bickle, Lou Engle, David Hogan, Stacey Campbell, Bernie Doan.