Poetry fantasy sports, Celtics, Red Sox, and on occasion the Bruins. I like to Poop And Fart but only after I eat Mexican food. Patriots are ok but I'm a Browns fan..
Myself... I would like to know what I' m really like. Males: Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Hulk Hogan, George Clooney, Babe Ruth, and Larry Bird, Pauly Shore.. Females: Paula Abdul, Heather graham, and Julia Roberts. A soldier, a baseball player, an astronaut, a pope, and a Sasqatch.
Black eyed peas, Sports talk radio, some current alternative music and Hip hop. I really enjoy inspirational music and soft rock. I'm lying I only like Sports Talk radio, music is annoying..
Men in Black. Superman. Rocky (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) STAR WARS, Red dawn, Commando, The perfect game, the perfect storm, Bad News bears, Any Adam Sandler, Brandon Frasier, paully Shore, Denzel Washington movies. Die Hard. I think denzel needs to stop playing the angry Black Man characters its getting old.
Simpson, king of the hill, American Idol,, reality TV (real world/road rules) Discovery Channel when I can, Hogan knows best.
Haven't read a Book in long time.. But I like true to life stories
Tim Bean, RIP 94... one of my best friends, love you man..... Rudy Giuliani, Will Farrel, Chris Farley, Pharnel Longus, Former Professor At SSC and a long time friend Keep the faith Pharnel we will form a Organization that you will be proud of. TOm Waskewisc and the Mass 4H Program, your all superstars..