Michy profile picture


RIP PJ I'll always love you and miss you

About Me

Ehh I'm not all that interesting. I'm your typical girl next door who blends into a crowd easily. I'm nothing spectacular. *S* Although from time to time I am slightly insane, that can be said about everyone on the planet however.


I've been told I'm funny a few times, not sure if it's true or not though. I've been told I'm cute once or twice although I seriously doubt it. I know that I care a lot about my dearest friends.

I'm currently trying to spread the word around NYC about a wonderful band by the name of AbSynthe

I've been spreading the word through a page here on MySpace called NY AbSynthians

If anyone is interested please take a look :) Theres probably a lot more to me but if I put up everything here there'd be no mystery to me and I wouldnt be nearly as interesting to talk to so I'll leave it at this for now.

My Interests

Music, More Specifically AbSynthe's music along with others, Movies, Books, Poetry, Foamy The Squirell, Reiko, my beloved cat, my beloved dear ones, the oompa loompas whom try to take over the world, the rubber duckies who try to drown us whilst we bathe, and of course the beanie babies who come to life and try to strangle us in our sleep.

I'd like to meet:

PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD AND HOLY IN THIS WORLD DO NOT SIMPLY TRY TO ADD ME WITHOUT REASON. I'd prefer if you're going to try and add me that we at least have something in common or already know eachother in some way, similar interests or having gone to the same school, or some other such thing. Or at the very least write to me once or twice and then add me. Otherwise I'm very very very very very likely to simply ignore the friend request. I'm all for meeting new people but it just irks me when people try to add me and we have zilch in common.There are many I'd like to meet but I doubt they'd want to talk to lil ol' me lol. Anyone whos as crazy as I can be at times. Anyone who has an imagination. Anyone who doesnt mind my wierd tendencies. Anyone who I can have a decent conversation with. Anyone who is no one and no one who is anyone. I dont know who else lol but I'm sure I've left a few out.


AbNymphs And AbMinions
Elektra Red
Corpse Thriller
Toxic Shock Syndrome
Worm Of The Wood
Dark Eden
Our Finest Hour
Hate In The Box
Ghost Orgy
Deadstar Assembly
Four Face Liar
Dead Winter Reigns
As Summer Dies
Malice In Wonderland
The Dreaming
Circus of Dead Squirrells
Emelie Autumn
Marilyn Manson, Stabbing Westward, Nine Inch Nails, Staind, Smashing Pumpkins, A Perfect Circle, Alannis Morrisette, Incubus, No Doubt, Green Day, Alice In Chains, The Cranberries, Foo Fighters, Korn, Guns 'N' Roses, U2, Aerosmith, And so many others its hard naming them all.


Underworld, Underworld Evolution, The Harry Potter Series, The LOTR series, The first Matrix movie, Bram Stokers Dracula, Queen Of The Damned, Shrek 1 and 2, The Craft, The Crow, The South Park Movie, Spaceballs, The Producers, Star Wars, and so very many others.


I despise most modern day television. The only shows I watch on any regular basis anymore is The Simpsons, Lost, South Park, or Heroes.


Most Anne Rice novels, The Harry Potter Series, The Anita Blake Series, Frankenstein, Gloom Cookie, Oxford Book Of Gothic Tales, The Eragon Series, Many many others. Almost anything with vampires or werewolves or any other mythical creature or magic in general can capture my interest.


This is a difficult one for me because I'm not sure I consider anyone to be a Hero of mine persay. There are those I greatly admire for their intelligence or their honesty or just how theyre an overall wonderful person. And there are also those that just by meeting them theyve greatly changed my life or the way I view the world in some way or another. If I have any heroes though theyre all of my dearest friends because without them I'd probably be off in a mental institution. Possibly Bellview.

My Blog


RIP PJBorn May 1998 - Died February 17th 2008PJ could've stood for Pearl Jam or Prince John (because after all he was the phony king of england) Depending on our mood. You'll always be loved and misse...
Posted by Michy on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 11:44:00 PST

So I just got screwed...

Hello any and all who deem my rantings worthy of being read when I put up a new blog. Today I found out that my school has royally screwed me and as a result I'm not sure if I can even take classes ne...
Posted by Michy on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 12:09:00 PST

Just 12 days til I go home!

It's been an amazing summer in so many ways I dont even know where to begin. I've made a ton of friends, got valuable work experience, had so much fun I think this may well be the best summer of my li...
Posted by Michy on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 09:30:00 PST

Live From NC, It's ME! Don't you feel happy now?

Hello all! So far everything is going great here. I've made some friends, met some cool people, and I've played DDR for the first time in my life lol. So far the coding is frustrating, just as it shou...
Posted by Michy on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 06:49:00 PST


Well, it appears this summer is turning out to be begining in a remarkably simmilar fashion as last summer did. I have a new job that I'm looking forward to, studying hard for finals, and theres a cha...
Posted by Michy on Thu, 17 May 2007 01:15:00 PST

Thirteen Days

In thirteen days I leave to go to a place I've never been to before, where the only person I know out there isn't even going to be there and it's going to be in a more wooded type of area than where I...
Posted by Michy on Wed, 16 May 2007 08:28:00 PST

OH MY GOD!!!!!

Ladies and gentlemen children of all ages it is official!! I am not going to be in NYC for 10 weeks this summer because I am going to North Carolina to do an internship where I will be working on vide...
Posted by Michy on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 10:20:00 PST


I don't even know how to even begin describing what I'm feeling at this moment. Shock, awe, confusion, joy, amazement, god only knows what else is thrown into the mix. This is the best news I could've...
Posted by Michy on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 08:46:00 PST

Let me make this perfectly clear....

To those of you whom dont know I have friends that are very dear to me that occasionally enjoy crossdressing, so if youre going to sit there yapping at me about how you think guys that do that are dis...
Posted by Michy on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 07:33:00 PST


*sits here laughing insanely* Currently hanging around watching the Karate Kid. I havent seen this movie in YEARS! I used to love it when I was a kid, had a BIG crush on the guy that played Daniel. Bu...
Posted by Michy on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 08:27:00 PST