Reading,Photography, Music, School, Television,Museums, European history, Running, Walking, Movies, Computers, outdoor hiking, and camping, coffee, football: I like the Greenbay Packers "GO Pack Go"
Funny Pictures
The Shining, Weaveworld, Will, See I told you so, Private Parts
"The Best Survey Ever" by: ALufkin24
1. Your Name? Michael T. Millburn
2. Your birthday Month? July
3. Favorite Color? Green
4. Favorite song? Old Man from the Mountain
5. Dream Vacation? Norway
6. favorite name? Damien
7. Your weakness? Women
8. Your strength? My persiverance
9. Favorite movie? Braveheart
10. Favorite TV Show? All in the Family
11. How many simblings? Girls? Boys? Two girls
12. Name the longest road trip you've been on. San Diego to Yosemite
13. What's your ringtone? Halloween theme
14. How many kids? None
15. What is your dream job? Environmental Specialist
16. Favorite Food? Pizza
17. Favorite thing you and your family like to do togther? Christmas
18. Ever donated blood? No
19. Pants size? 36
20. Name the states that you've been in? Ca.,Nev.,Mass.
21. Name 3 people you would like to meet? Arnold Schwarzeneggger, Clint Eastwood, Dolly Parton
22. name atleast one diet that worked for you. Running
23. Descrive a embarassing moment. Dancing with a woman and my fly was down
24. Shorts or pants? Pants
25. What is your best friend's name? Steve
26. Favorite Holiday? New Years Eve
27. Favorite season? Spring
28. Favorite comic strip? The Wizard of Id
29. Stupidist rumor you have heard about yourself? None
30. Who's your favorite hero? Dirty Harry
31. Name one thing you take for granted? My Health
32. Name one thing you will always cheirsh? My sight
33. Dog or cat? Cat
34. What do you do for a living? (that is if you have a job) Carpet cleaner/installer
35. Ever been a manager? No
36. Who was your first love? Cindy
37. Do you believe in God? Yes
38. Do you believe in karma? Yes
39. Ever broken a bone? Yes
40. Name of high school. Santana
41. Are you shy and quiet? Yes
42. Name one thing someone has done to you to get you mad at them. Been late for an appointment
43. What is your pet peeve? More than ten items in the ten items or less line
44. How did you and that special person meet? While I was working
45. Name one goal you want to accomplish this year. Graduate
46. Name of your church. Faith Chapel
47. If married, how long have you been married? Not married
48. Where do you see yourself if five years? Working for the county and living in Lakeside
49. Who's the top three on your friends list and why? Mariann, Lucy, Nicole their beautiful
50. How long have you known the top 3 friends? I do not know them
51. name 3 things you like do to relax. Listen to classical music, read, watch television
52. What kind of music do you like to listen to? Counrtry
53. Name one time when you were so sick. Caught the flu from someone at work
54. name one thing you regret. My past
55. name one thing people doesn't know about you. That I have a kind heart
56. If you know the lord already, when did you first know him? When I was a child
57. If you don't believe in him, why not? I do believe
58. Favorite job you had so far. Security at the mall
59. Name a talent you have. Good at remembering names
60. Can you roll your tongue? Yes
61. Name someone you admire and look up to. My Grandfather
62. Name your school mascot. Coyote
63. The first intital of someone you dislike. P
64. What's the meanst thing you've said to a person? Called her tunaboat
65. Favorite ice cream. Chocalate Chip
66. Favorite chips. Sun chips
67. Pepsi, coke, juice, or water? Pepsi
68. Favorite myspace and/or youtube video. None
69. Favorite book. The shining
70. Favorite author. Stephen King
71. Ever been in jail? if so, for what? Yes, D.U.I
72. name the stupidest thing you've heard on the news. Paris Hilton was in jail
73. Name the stupidest thing you've ever done. Bought Dish Network
74. If you could move to another state or country, where would it be? Norway
75. Name one phrase your friends say that you use the most. Go ahead make my day
76. Can you cook? Yes
77. Do you have a caffeine and/or chocolate addiction? Yes caffine
78. Your height? 6'3"
79. Do you plan on loosing weight and how much? I want to lose twenty pounds
80. Do you snore in your sleep? No
81. Do you sleep walk in your sleep? No
82. Do you talk in your sleep? No
83. Ever got into a fight? Yes
84. Ever skipped or get expelled from school? Yes
85. Do you prefer roller blading or ice skating? Neither
86. Ever bungee jumped or sky dived? No
87. Name one risky stunt you would love to do. Sky dive
88. Have you ever started a fight? Yes
89. how many hours have you been without sleep for the longest time? eighteen hours
90. Have you ever been on TV? yes
91. Favorite dessert? Cheesecake
92. Do you party? Yes
93. Any tattoos? No
94. How many time have you snuck out from your parents house? None
95. Have you ever stolen anything? if so, where? Yes, the mall
96. Do you love or hate wally world? I do not know what Wally world is
97. Do you think wally world is too big for it's own good? Do not know
98. Do you think of yourself as a sociable person? Yes
99. Do you like this survey? be honest. Yes, or I would not take it
100. Hair color? Brown
101. Do you dye your hair? if so, what color? I do not dye my hair
102. Favorite pizza topping. Pepperoni
103. Ever got caught speeding? if so, how fast? Yes, 75mph
104. Do you have road rage? Yes
105. What do you do if someone cuts you off while you were driving? Cut them off
106. Name one of your favorite memory. The first time I told my girlfriend I loved her
107. Name your favorite CD. Sehnsucht
108. Name one thing you cherish the most. My Sight
109. Meat or a vegeterian person? Meat
110. Will you ever repost this survey? I do not know
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