Career, Bodybuilding, Food, Travel, My Partner and My dog, My family.
I love creatives. I love good people. Mean people really do suck. I like architects (people that think and create) , but not wall builders (people that create stereotypes and hate.)
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Love most genres - Even Country Music can grow on you. If I am working or relaxing I get off on Chill, Hotel Costes, World Music. Big guys love to shake a butt, so the DJ that keeps us on the dance floor wins.
Pay It Forward, Georgia Rules, BrokeBack Mountain, Transporter, Fracture, The Good Shepard, Invinsible, Blade, When a Stranger Calls (for the house), The Letter - Movies like these. I love to go to the movies on a big opening night to be part of the crowd and the energy or lack of it. Sickness I got as a kid standing in line for Star Wars and Aliens.
The Today Show - seriously, missing Katie. Anything that can keep me from getting up and walking away.
The Secret - I live it. This is where my ADD kicks in.
Myself - Being gay and out since I was 14 didn't leave me alot of people to look up to and I had to learn the most valuable lesson on my own - No matter who you are, you will have to pick yourself up and change your life. Nobody else is going to save you and the world owes you nothing.