Spending free time with my incredibile wife, reading, playing with my ferocious 4 pound dog, arguing on the internet or reading others arguments (somethingawful.com), shopping for internet deals (woot.com!) XBOX360/Computer games, and working - I'm lucky enough to love my job.
Mr. Snuffleupagus and Aristotle.
I've recently realized that I will one day have grandkids, and I'm starting to wonder what they will think of Grandpa listening to the "Classics" like Bone Thugs and 2pac. I'm not sure what to think...Well-made mashups are my current favorite but, those that know me know that I listen to any and everything. Its not uncommon to go from bluegrass to hip hop to punk rock to euro trance in a car ride with me.
From the obscene to the mainstream, not many that I don't like. I have recently been able to take solace in watching very bad movies that allow me to turn off my brain completely. Watching "Stealth" was like sleeping, except I was awake the whole time. I don't think my brain fired once during the whole thing. Nice Oscar follow up Jamie!
I DVR Family Guy and Mythbusters, thats about it. If I must stare at a square tube for hours on end, I would rather it be a computer screen
Lately into books on chaos theory and the science of networking (which basically equates to overthought out rants with lots of numbers and graphs debating the Kevin Bacon game.
The real hero is always a hero by mistake; he dreams of being an honest coward like everybody else. Umberto Eco (1932 - ), Travels in Hyperreality