Partying, drinking my owner's alcohol, sleeping, growling, climbing trees, sneaking out, toilet papering people's homes, eating fine cuisine, harassing my owner, throwing eggs and most of all eating snakes on a plane...YUM...
Me'd like to meet other older stuffed animals who are sick of child's play. We age too and need to party. This world is unfair thinking we like to sit on a bed for years and then get thrown in the trash when we get old! That CRAP! Me taking a stand for stuffed toys everywhere! Newer looking toys piss me off by the way...
Metallica, Led Zeppelin, Rap, Pop... I am not a big fan of John Denver or anything else along those lines. Listening to that sort of music makes me want to jump into a running jet engine. Too lame for a bear of my status.
Animal House, Jaws, Caddyshack, Airplane.
Southpark, Family Guy, the Muppet show, Alf. Sometimes me watch Sesame Street just to make fun of Big Bird...highly lame! Me like Oscar the Grouch, Kermit and Cookie Monster. They are all cool. Elmo annoys the crap out of me...tickle this!
Me no read. Reading boring.
My Grandpa who rescued me from a forest fire.