Small, simple, safe price, rise the wake & carry me with all of my regrets, this is not a small cut that scabs, & dries, & flakes, & heals & I am not afraid to die Im not afraid to bleed, & fuck, & fight. I want the pain of payment, whats left, but a section of pigmy size cuts much like a slew of a thousand unwanted fucks Would you be my little cut? Would you be my thousand fucks? And make mark leaving space for the guilt to be liquid To fill, & spill over, & under my thoughts my sad, sorry, selfish cry out to the cutter, Im cutting trying to picture your black broken heart, Love is not like anything Especially a fucking knife... (ThE uSeD)img src=" od_533_24826.jpg" border="0"
Everyone in the bands I love, and anyone who agrees!! Musicians are my heroes!! :P
Rock, Metal, Screamo tHe UsEd, NiRvAnA, bUlLeT 4 My VaLeNtInE, iNcUbUs, CeLlOuT, BeHiNd CrImSoN eYeS, aVeR, eScApE tHe FaTe, ToOl, AlKaLiNe TrIo, bLeSs ThE fAlL, MeLoDySsEy, uNdErOaTh, dEaD lEtTeR cIrCuS, tHe BuTtErFlY eFfEcT, YeLlOw CaRd, AvAlOn DrIvE, ReD hOt ChIlI pEpPeRs, VeLvEt ReVoLvEr, cOg, sEnSeS fAiL, RePeAt OfFeNdEr, 18ViSiOnS, dEfToNeS, StOnE sOuR, tHuRsDaY, jApUnGa, sEeThEr, DrOwNiNg PoOl, sIlVeRsTeIn, SuGaRcUlT, AtReYu, MuDvAyNe, SlIpKnOt, NIN, tRiViUm, gOdSmAcK, sYsTeM oF a DoWn, fOrT, jImMy EaT WoRlD, dOwN, 36cRaZyFiStS, DaShBoArD, dReAdNaUgHt, oFfSpRiNg, AlExIsOnFiRe, MeSt, BlInK, ArMoR4sLeEp, SoUlFlY, kIlLsWiTcH eNgAgE, gOoDnIgHt NuRsEs, bLeEd ThE dReAm, cArTeL, tHrIcE,FrOm 1St 2 lAsT, ThE HoT lIeS, BeDlIgHt4tHe BluE EyEs, AfI, CrAsH rOmEo, FuNeRaL fOr A fRiEnD, GoLd FiNgEr, TaKiNg BaCk SuNdAy, AvEnGe7FoLd, AlIcE In ChAiNs, OskEr, AtTaRiS, CrAsH rOmEo, SBH, oAsIs, 3dAyS gRaCe, mAtChBoOk RoMaNcE, NaTiOnAl PrOdUcT, NFG, GuTtErMoUtH, gOnE bY 10, A yEaR 2rEmEmBa, LiNkIn PaRk, HiLlToP hOoDs, gReEnDaY, MiRrOrMiRrOr, FiNaBaH, CoLd, dIsTuRbEd, SiLvErChAiR, AnThEm, RiSe AgAiNsT, 4 lEtTeR lIe, ScEnEs FrOm A mOvIe, HEAPS... jus look @ friends list if ya care that much :P
Everyone in the bands I love and anyone who helped them get there!!..