~* VOTE FUR ME! *~
*hugs & nibbles*
due to legal representation, i've been advised to disclose the followin' useless info :
mo' completely useless nonsense
u might like to know bout *ME*!...-.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.-
* i's stinky poo-poo! although i turbo bathe frequently, i seem to maintain my stinky scent!
* i do NOT believe in daily, house cleaning chores! i keep my home, as dey say, well 'lived-in'. - leaving nibble scraps EVERYwhere!...especially OUTSIDE of my cage for my Mommy to clean! (*giggle*)
* i do NOT believe in exercise! i 'ave converted my home's exercise facility (wheel) into a 2nd BDrm where i enjoy spendin' most of my time! ... LUB the solitude & great 'pent house' view!
* my favorite pasttime is sleeping ~&~ enjoy taking long naps outside of my 'normal' sleeping patterns! (total sleeping time = approx. 15-20hrs/day) ~&~ recently, i 'ave development a horrible habit of eating in bed!
* i ALSO enjoy exotic & Disney theme parkS travel! ...(although, i tend to sleep through most of the experienceS!) heehee
da 'BIG CHEESE'!... MiCkEy MoUsE !!! i Lub Lub Lub, did i say, LUuuVvv? ... MICKEY!
i inspire to one day 'ave an empire such as his! heehee
i met him! i met him!!! wOO-hOO! :o)
i wanna meet Harold!
LOOK wha dis guy's gotta DO fur a livin'!?! ... heehee
~&~ HER!
HER, too!
~&~ de's guys, too!
(lil' piggies r kool, too!) *giggle*got dis from me piggy friend, *Dexter* . tanks, Dex! :O)
make sher ta NEVER meet de's guys in any dark alleys!!!
i look forward to meetin' others jut like *me*!
...4-legged, furry/fuzzy lil' creatures! heehee
- i LUuuVvv all SORTS of aminals (~pets~)!!! -
& ppls dat lub animals r way kool, too!
~&~ i especially LUV kitty cats (just like my 'Dad'!) ^ .. ^~
sum of my favorite kitty cat pages . . .
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Sammy the Hammy
-click- ~here~ / git urs! :O)
anything that will put me to sleep
ACTION/ADVENTURE!---but, it makes me exhausted!...so i go to sleep. COMEDY!---but, then i git bored!...so i go to sleep. HORROR!---but, when it gits too scary, i close my eyes!...& fall to sleep.
Duh! ... OF COURSE me faveS!!!...
cartoons, reality tv
...make me sleepy
de's guys is mighty big hammies!
ain't dey? . . .
i am a Pirate!
wha type o' swashbuckler r U?
my pirate name is: Capt' Morty Rackham u 'ave da good fortune of 'aving a good name, since Rackham (pronounced RACKem, not rack-'Ham') is one of da coolest sounding surnames fur a pirate. Arrr!
-click- ~here~
to get UR pirate name!
i am da Pirate KING!
which pirate r U?
tis *i*,
"Capt' Morty Rackham Sammy the Hammy" ...
*me* lady,
"Melina Isabella Sparrow-Rackham" ...
R.I.P. *me* luv!
*me* ~new~ pets! ...
make SHER to leave/post comments,
or ye shall be cursed! ... ~OR~ worse! ... made to walk de plank!
aH-hahahaaa ARRRrrr! .....
ye 'ave ben warned, mateys!!!
i adopted a cute lil' poison fetus!
may com' in handy in the future!???
-click- ~ here ~ to git ur own! :O)
. . . *me* ship!
*me* crew! . . .
dis wuz Mahbubi when she furst came on-board me ship
(back THEN,.. she wuz jut a deck swab!) ...
NOW,...lemme introduce u to me FURST MATE,
"Black Mary Flint" (yea,...she wuz promoted!) ...
me LOOK-OUTS, "Mast Hugger Jane & Rough-Sailin' Mae" sisters (& CAN'T furget Mast Hugger Jane's lil' *birdie* pal, "Paco the Bold"!) ...
me most feared & blood-thirsty pirate aboard,
"Dread Pirate Flint"...
"Red Bess Rackham"...
me RIGHT-HAND MATE & NAVIGATOR, "Mad Ginny Rackham"...
me WEAPON CONTROL/DISTRIBUTOR, "Smokey Sami Rackham"...
me most sneaky, treasure stealin' pirate aboard, "Chocolate Bessie Roberts" (...she's da BEST @ snatchin' dem treasures!) ...
me most keen, treasure huntin' pirate aboard, "Mad Tom Kidd" (...he's da BEST @ seekin' out da goods!) ...
me most c-R-a-Z-y/difficult/INsane, pirate aboard, "Dirty Harry Bonney" (...u can NEVER seem to find him...he's ALWAYS off fightin' fiends! & he NEVER listens to orders & instructions!!! -ugh!- ... BUT!...he's always there to git me Capt's back!!!) ...
"Patutie Found" aka. "Sniff" (& pet *birdie*, "da Booty")...
me FISHERMAN, "Calico Krispy Kidd"...
me QUARTERMASTER, "Dread Pirate Cash"
(...he signals & steers me ship, luvies!!!) ...
me ship's SORCERER, "Black BartholoMEOW Kidd"
(...he can use his *magical* nip to ensure fair winds,
safe passage, & an abundance of treasures, mateys!!!) ...
*---*---*---*Prince Karat has provided us w/ a map! once we gather enough crew, we will voyage! the Prince has promised, if we visit him @ Castle Romain @ The Buhamas Island (-previously known as Bunny Castle Island-), we can barter our treasures in exchange fur land & other necessities!
*---*---*---*ye can ALSO be on-board me ship, "The Fuzzy Diamond"!!!
just post ye best 'piratey' pix in me comments -or- email, -.~x~.- take the pirate name quiz (~OR~ make up ye own!), -.~x~.- & suggest a position / duty dat u may like!
tank all ye, mateys!!!
LINKS ~&~ awards :
NOTES fur all me 'crew' :
(updated 7/6/06)
r u proud to be aboard *me* Fuzzy Diamond pirate ship?
then, PLS! post one -or- BOTH of *me* pixs on UR page!!!
-click- pix ~above~ to visit *me* Capt's page!
-click- pix ~above~ to see *me* & the rest of the 'crew'!
ahoy, mateys / luvies!
as always, busy workin' on me pirate ship - gettin' it ready fur r furst voyage! we STILL need to gather mo' crew!
~ clue/HINT: ...
r furst adventure/plunder will lead us to HIM!...