Sammy Hammy ~ da CAPT' is back! profile picture

Sammy Hammy ~ da CAPT' is back!

Yo, ho! Yo, ho! ♥ a hammie's life for me! ♥

About Me

my name is Sammy the Hammy
...YES! IS really *ME*! ... i am Sammy "THAT" Hammy!!!
~ u may recognize me from my previous aired real estate infomercials! ~OR~ 'ave heard rumors of my infamous Pirate Ship, "The Fuzzy Diamond"!!! i's a bit of a celeburty! heehee
Samuel, is my professional name
... (& what Mommy calls me if/when she gits angry! heehee)
~BUT~ most now know me as, "CAPT'" Sammy!
i's a fancy dwarf hammie.
fur dose of u dat dun know me YET,'s a wittle 'bout *me*! . . .
i's jut a wittle nard! BUT, i wuz born VERY intellectual w/ a post grad degree! i dabble in real estate. "i can teach U how to improve UR living conditions @ lil' or NO cost to U!!!" ... (@ your owners expense, of course!) --- i went from a shoebox to a 3-story condo, in as lil' as 2mths!!!
i wuz born on Valentine's Day. i bit or punched EVERYbubby dat tried to com' near me!...UNTIL,...i met my Mommy! -(she's a *hottie*!)- & i lubbed 'er bunches right away! she agreed to adopt me, but i had to live in foster care w/ sumbubby else until moving into my new home. dat's were i met my furst hammie friend, Whitey. he's not so smart though!...(he slept in a sock!)
...dis is were it gits a bit confusing!!!...
i wuz an Easter gift for my 'Dad', Stitch! - he's da 'kool' cat of dem dat reside here! ... den, der's dis OTHER guy dat's married to my Mommy dat picks me up & pets me from time to time,...i'm supposed to call HIM, "Daddy"!?
hummm???... guess i's jut lucky!!! --- i 'ave a 'Dad' ~AND~ a "Daddy"!!! . . . purdy neat, huh?
oh, yea!... ~AND~...
*me* when i wuz jut a cute lil' pirate fetus! :O)

My Interests

~* VOTE FUR ME! *~
*hugs & nibbles*

due to legal representation, i've been advised to disclose the followin' useless info :

mo' completely useless nonsense
u might like to know bout *ME*!...-.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.-
* i's stinky poo-poo! although i turbo bathe frequently, i seem to maintain my stinky scent!

* i do NOT believe in daily, house cleaning chores! i keep my home, as dey say, well 'lived-in'. - leaving nibble scraps EVERYwhere!...especially OUTSIDE of my cage for my Mommy to clean! (*giggle*)

* i do NOT believe in exercise! i 'ave converted my home's exercise facility (wheel) into a 2nd BDrm where i enjoy spendin' most of my time! ... LUB the solitude & great 'pent house' view!

* my favorite pasttime is sleeping ~&~ enjoy taking long naps outside of my 'normal' sleeping patterns! (total sleeping time = approx. 15-20hrs/day) ~&~ recently, i 'ave development a horrible habit of eating in bed!
* i ALSO enjoy exotic & Disney theme parkS travel! ...(although, i tend to sleep through most of the experienceS!) heehee

I'd like to meet:

da 'BIG CHEESE'!... MiCkEy MoUsE !!! i Lub Lub Lub, did i say, LUuuVvv? ... MICKEY!
i inspire to one day 'ave an empire such as his! heehee
i met him! i met him!!! wOO-hOO! :o)

i wanna meet Harold! LOOK wha dis guy's gotta DO fur a livin'!?! ... heehee
~&~ HER!
HER, too!

~&~ de's guys, too! (lil' piggies r kool, too!) *giggle*got dis from me piggy friend, *Dexter* . tanks, Dex! :O)
make sher ta NEVER meet de's guys in any dark alleys!!!

i look forward to meetin' others jut like *me*!
...4-legged, furry/fuzzy lil' creatures! heehee
- i LUuuVvv all SORTS of aminals (~pets~)!!! -
& ppls dat lub animals r way kool, too!
~&~ i especially LUV kitty cats (just like my 'Dad'!) ^ .. ^~

sum of my favorite kitty cat pages . . .

. * . * . * * . * . * .


Sammy the Hammy

-click- ~here~ / git urs! :O)

Mommy & Daddy took *me* ~&~ LEEna to Disneyland fur our 2nd date!!! wOO-hOO! :o)

terrible, tragic loss! i lost my love, my Lina, July of this year ('06). i tank ALL of u so much fur ur condolences! means so much! ♥'s a wittle 'bout *us*! . . . it wuz lub @ furst site! we had an automatic crush on e. other & shared a whirlwind romance. we 'officially' met @ Biscuit & Daisy's wedding - where we danced under da stars & immediately fell in love! nobubby knew, but i wuz set to propose ta her da evenin' of her sister's, Pearl's, wedding.

in my heart, she will always be remembered as my fiance,
my bride, & furever me 'cuppycake'!

i REALLY appreciate all my dear, close friends dat 'ave stuck by me & supported me ♥ as i've been gone fur quite a long part of da summer. besides losin' my love, i've also lost quite a few close friends.
i 'ave decided to do a tribute section to dose dat i hold near & dear to my heart furever! . . . R.I.P! ♥
dis is my MySpace twin sissy's (Gwen), lil' bro, Frankie. he wuz SOOO very sick. his Mommy tried her hardest to nurse him back to health! but da poor, lil' guy jut couldn't make it! :O(
we will all miss u dearly, lil' bro! ♥
Admiral "Iron Charity Rackham"...
me TREASURE KEEP/WATCHER, "Bloody William Bonney"
(w/ his faithful *birdie* companion, "Squawkzilla") ...
me galley's COOK, Chef "Black Mary Kidd"...
"Mad Bess Flint"...

*** Please ADD ~ME~ to your 'friends' list! *** Please ADD ~ME~ to your 'friends' list! *** Please ADD ~ME~ to your 'friends' list! *** Please ADD ~ME~ to your 'friends' list! *** Please ADD ~ME~ to your 'friends' list! ***

i LUV meetin' new friends! :o)
*hugs & nibbles* ~♥~ *hugs & nibbles* ~♥~ *hug & nibbles*

*me* MOMMY, "Mad Tawnie Vane"...

. . . . .


anything that will put me to sleep


ACTION/ADVENTURE!---but, it makes me exhausted! i go to sleep. COMEDY!---but, then i git bored! i go to sleep. HORROR!---but, when it gits too scary, i close my eyes!...& fall to sleep.
Duh! ... OF COURSE me faveS!!!...


cartoons, reality tv


...make me sleepy


de's guys is mighty big hammies!
ain't dey? . . .
i am a Pirate!
wha type o' swashbuckler r U?
my pirate name is: Capt' Morty Rackham u 'ave da good fortune of 'aving a good name, since Rackham (pronounced RACKem, not rack-'Ham') is one of da coolest sounding surnames fur a pirate. Arrr!
-click- ~here~
to get UR pirate name!
i am da Pirate KING!

which pirate r U?
tis *i*,
"Capt' Morty Rackham Sammy the Hammy" ...
*me* lady,
"Melina Isabella Sparrow-Rackham" ...
R.I.P. *me* luv!
*me* ~new~ pets! ...
make SHER to leave/post comments,
or ye shall be cursed! ... ~OR~ worse! ... made to walk de plank!
aH-hahahaaa ARRRrrr! .....
ye 'ave ben warned, mateys!!!
i adopted a cute lil' poison fetus!
may com' in handy in the future!???
-click- ~ here ~ to git ur own! :O)
. . . *me* ship!
*me* crew! . . .
dis wuz Mahbubi when she furst came on-board me ship
(back THEN,.. she wuz jut a deck swab!) ...
NOW,...lemme introduce u to me FURST MATE,
"Black Mary Flint" (yea,...she wuz promoted!) ...
me LOOK-OUTS, "Mast Hugger Jane & Rough-Sailin' Mae" sisters (& CAN'T furget Mast Hugger Jane's lil' *birdie* pal, "Paco the Bold"!) ...
me most feared & blood-thirsty pirate aboard,
"Dread Pirate Flint"...
"Red Bess Rackham"...
me RIGHT-HAND MATE & NAVIGATOR, "Mad Ginny Rackham"...
me WEAPON CONTROL/DISTRIBUTOR, "Smokey Sami Rackham"...
me most sneaky, treasure stealin' pirate aboard, "Chocolate Bessie Roberts" (...she's da BEST @ snatchin' dem treasures!) ...
me most keen, treasure huntin' pirate aboard, "Mad Tom Kidd" (...he's da BEST @ seekin' out da goods!) ...
me most c-R-a-Z-y/difficult/INsane, pirate aboard, "Dirty Harry Bonney" (...u can NEVER seem to find him...he's ALWAYS off fightin' fiends! & he NEVER listens to orders & instructions!!! -ugh!- ... BUT!...he's always there to git me Capt's back!!!) ...
"Patutie Found" aka. "Sniff" (& pet *birdie*, "da Booty")...
me FISHERMAN, "Calico Krispy Kidd"...
me QUARTERMASTER, "Dread Pirate Cash"
(...he signals & steers me ship, luvies!!!) ...
me ship's SORCERER, "Black BartholoMEOW Kidd"
(...he can use his *magical* nip to ensure fair winds,
safe passage, & an abundance of treasures, mateys!!!) ...
*---*---*---*Prince Karat has provided us w/ a map! once we gather enough crew, we will voyage! the Prince has promised, if we visit him @ Castle Romain @ The Buhamas Island (-previously known as Bunny Castle Island-), we can barter our treasures in exchange fur land & other necessities!
*---*---*---*ye can ALSO be on-board me ship, "The Fuzzy Diamond"!!!
just post ye best 'piratey' pix in me comments -or- email, -.~x~.- take the pirate name quiz (~OR~ make up ye own!), -.~x~.- & suggest a position / duty dat u may like!
tank all ye, mateys!!!
LINKS ~&~ awards :
NOTES fur all me 'crew' :
(updated 7/6/06)
r u proud to be aboard *me* Fuzzy Diamond pirate ship? then, PLS! post one -or- BOTH of *me* pixs on UR page!!!
-click- pix ~above~ to visit *me* Capt's page!
-click- pix ~above~ to see *me* & the rest of the 'crew'!
ahoy, mateys / luvies!
as always, busy workin' on me pirate ship - gettin' it ready fur r furst voyage! we STILL need to gather mo' crew!
~ clue/HINT: ...
r furst adventure/plunder will lead us to HIM!...