Sean Strummer profile picture

Sean Strummer

'Death or Glory, just another story'

About Me

23 year old artist' graphic artist pays the bills' while tattooing is on the side for now. My largist passion is art' I paint, but I do love the ol' pencil/ink and papper.I do love music, fuels into my art a lot' the ol' punk rock and just good ol' rock music for me. I em a nerd at heart' Star Wars is god to me' while I LOVEEEE comic books' and movies. I rather content with my life' always need for room of improvment' but I dont need anyone in my life to make me.... me. I have my friends and family and im fine. Im one of the niceist people you'll meet, but I dont really open up, I'll listen and tell you the truth of my point of view, im not a stupid person' I know how people can be' its fucking commen sence, people. I'll be honist to the point of you hating me, but my overall sweetness ( hahaha ) will make you love me and keep coming back. I em smart' and I know a lot of random shit about stupid things. I enjoy the company of people that can keep my mind going' that arn't ass holes and are well kool. I dont do drugs and I hardly drink' im not strightedge, just like im not a punk' im fine with how i em' no labling for me. I plan on becoming a tattoo artist one way or another. I love the buissness, though it's full of ass-holes, I hope to be that "nice" guy at a shop. I have a few tattoo's and NO I don't wanna be covered, just a far amount.
::Note:: My profile is NOT set to private, because I have nothing to hide.This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


The Film Nightmare before chirstmas Sin city Smoken' Aces Better off dead Money phython : Holy grail Donnie Darko Clerks Mallrats Death to Smoochy Evil dead2/army of darkness Dark crystal Sleepy hallow The fifth element Star wars 1-6 Super size me American history X Leaged


My mommy! Large impact on me The mom Bestist friend: Reeda My poppy ( dad ) Joe ( I wish my dad ) Strummer Mr. Izzard

My Blog


This epiphany that I've had has come from months of thought. But, after reading some girls Blog, and how she has a simular bad brake up as me. Yet, she wasn't bitter or mad, but greatful and trying to...
Posted by Sean Strummer on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 01:51:00 PST

Oh me......oh my...........

So, as of late: I've been M.I.A to most of my friends. And I feel shitty for it. I've only really hung with Denny and Vince, I suck. But, what can I say. Been "busy" I guess. Just working all the time...
Posted by Sean Strummer on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 02:17:00 PST

Pain last kid, it's how you know you're a'live

Ain't that title the fuckn truth? It's from my favorite comic book' shit that comic is fulled with a lot of well put saying's. I do feel at time's pain is in our life, to let us know we arn't dreaming...
Posted by Sean Strummer on Sat, 15 Apr 2006 08:14:00 PST

To old for Punk, to young for any thing else in life.....

Hmmm, ya, so I seem to always get into these in-depth conversion's with someone........namely Mike this time around. About the whole Punk thing. We've all herd "Punk's dead" blah blah blah. I say big ...
Posted by Sean Strummer on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Pictures from my 21st brithday shin-digs!

Ok, so on the 20th, my ass turnd 21........truth be told, I don't drink much.......and I didn't drink much............but my friends did! Ahahahaha, some funny ass drunks! It was fucking awesome too.....
Posted by Sean Strummer on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Some of my various art work.......

K, so I took some pics of "various" art work I've done, from drawings ( a lot of them are from comic book's ) to just simple shit, like work on a leather jackets. fist off : Leo from Teenage mut...
Posted by Sean Strummer on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST