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Request your OFFICIAL DVD COPY TODAY! Receive your official DVD copy of "The Missing Link: The Matrix Unplugged" for a small donation of $30. Safe transaction and pay pal verified! Please include your contact information with your order! Also due to heavy order volume please allow 10-14 days to receive it. PAY PAL BUTTONPeace Fam...THE RESTRICTIVE LAW IS MY SUCCESS.time for a profile change ---First and foremost, I am a STUDENT of DIVINE INTELLIGENCE, I love my QUEEN, THE MGT, MY BROTHERS (THOSE STRIVING TO BE FRUIT OF ISLAM), THE NATION OF GODS AND EARTHS... THE KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM OF THE HUMAN FAMILY OF THE PLANET EARTH and OF COURSE my LIL SISTERS!now here, is the BOMB ---Man is God of himself, his environment and the universe in which we live. Every person and people, by the right of their birth, are the inheritors of what their ancestors before them have done or the material they have acquired. We inherit the good and the bad, and the responsibility to continue what they have done or correct the wrong. Either way we will be judged in our lives by what we do in accord with the history we have inherited.Before we proceed with this subject, which is the root of our problems and the cause of our successes, we must understand the correct meaning of certain words and terms which have poisoned and corrupted our thinking, and crippled our minds and ability to perceive life and ourselves correctly.1. Allah - (God): A person or people of Divine intelligence; the original man; a master of truth and justice.2. Divine Intelligence: The natural ability to perceive truth; to know and understand the order and function of the physical universe (our environment) and ourselves (mentally and physically).3. Artificial Intelligence: Made or learned intelligence from a scheme to control what a person does; a mind that doesn't perceive truth at its root; a narrow - minded person who only perceives the present time and events as truth.4. Muhammad: A person worthy of praise; a teacher and servant of Divine truth.5. Muslim: A seeker of Divine truth; a child of Divine intelligence.6. Man: A civilized person of mature intelligence that will obey the laws of civilization.7. Woman: A civilized person of mature intelligence who are inclined to follow their instincts and emotions.8. Child: A person who must be controlled because of their limited knowledge.9. Satan: A person of civilized intelligence who is rebellious against Divine truth and knowledge.10. Devil: An unintelligent, fearful person who is easily ruled by fear and emotion.11. Male: The flesh form of life that has the seed of life reproduction.12. Female: The flesh form of life that carries the seed of reproduction to its birth.In ancient time when the entire planet was called Asia, the leaders of the original people decided to bring all human life into the knowledge and understanding of themselves as the Divine God of Creation.Until that decision was taken the true history and knowledge of man was known only to a few men, who were leaders of the great masses of people. when this decision was made some of the leaders did not agree with it, yet the plan was set in motion. The leaders who decided to enlighten the masses were opposed by those who feared their positions and privileges would be disturbed, because the masses of people, whom they felt superior to, would be as wise as themselves.This rebellion was against truth, being that it was against the advancement of the human family, which is the plan of God. Consequently, because of their envy and jealousy of God and His plan, these rebellious leaders fell mentally from the high positions they had achieved; causing them to become Satan and opposed to right. They did not want the masses of people who they were in authority over, to grow into the knowledge of themselves as God, as they had previously known before their fall from power for breaking the Divine law.Since they wanted to keep the people dumb to the knowledge of themselves and God; and because the righteous leaders (God) had devised this plan to enlighten the masses of people; these leaders who had become unrighteous leaders (Satan), decided to use God's plan to oppose the Divine enlightenment of the people.Only men of Divine intelligence have what is known as created or original minds, and people who rebel against truth are shut off from Divine intelligence; so they must depend on those who have Divine intelligence for their thoughts and ideas. This is why they must use God's plan to oppose Him. They have no means to develop original plans of their own. "So they planned and Allah planned, and Allah is the best of planners." God gave Satan a period of six thousand years to see if he (Satan) could deceive the masses of people about God and His plan. (Genesis 1:31 - "........And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.") (Genesis 2:2 "And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made....")This is the history of what we, the seed of the original people have been living through for this period of time. God's plan is to bring man to the reality of his true nature and the universe; and this idea is seen in the history and lives of the prophets from Adam to Muhammad - (PBUH) - the last prophet.Satan's plan is to use God's plan of enlightening the people by teaching the opposite of what God teaches, is meant to confuse and deceive the masses; and this idea is seen in the history of Adam also, and in the establishment of all the conqueror's kingdoms and governments which have been erected on the earth in the past six thousand years.In the Bible in Genesis we have a symbolic story of God creating the heavens and the earth; and then He makes a man called Adam and a woman called Eve; who encourages Adam to disobey God and they both are exiled from the Garden of Eden. This story is either taken literally by the gullible masses of people or they dismiss it as a fable, yet there is great truth in it, if you understand the story.The God making the heavens and the earth was not creating the physical world, for that had been in existence for trillions of years. (Genesis 4:16 "And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden." 4:17 "AND CAIN KNEW HIS WIFE; AND SHE CONCEIVED,....") Now, the Bible says that Cain was the first child of Adam and Eve and Abel was the second. Seth was the third child born to them, but he was born after Cain left the presence of God. If there were no other people on the face of the earth when God created Adam and Eve, and Cain was the first child born to them: WHERE DID THIS WIFE THAT "CAIN KNEW" COME FROM?The truth is that God was creating a BODY OF KNOWLEDGE AND A MENTAL ENVIRONMENT, designed specifically to bring the masses of people into the true knowledge of themselves, and at the same time Satan was developing his knowledge from God's plan with which to oppose God and influence the people. Since God is the master of all life, including Satan, the masses of people were symbolically called Adam while they were in obedience to God.Eve was not a physical woman but Eve was the knowledge that God allowed Satan to use to oppose the Adamic people. Eve is the knowledge of material creation and the emotion that is used to pull on people and interfere with their ability to use their minds, and think clearly.The tree of life was the people that God has chosen out of the masses, after He had decided to allow Satan the freedom to try to deceive them. These people that God had chosen and set apart would be taught and raised into Divine knowledge as examples to the others. (Revelations 7:3 "Saying hurt not the earth, neither the seas, nor the trees, till we have sealed THE SERVANTS OF GOD in their foreheads." 7:4 "And I heard the number of THEM which were sealed and there were sealed an HUNDRED AND FORTY FOUR THOUSAND of all the tribes of the children of Israel."The apple was the law that God had given to the Adamic people which forbid them mixing their seed or blood with the people which God had chosen and set apart as examples for the others. (Genesis 3:3 "But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, GOD hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, NEITHER SHALL YE TOUCH IT, lest ye die")When the Adamic people listened to and were influenced by Satan's teachings called Eve, and did what they were forbidden to do, they were cast out of Eden into the hills and caves of West Asia which is now called Europe.The making of Adam is also the history of the grafting or making of man into races. From the original people - Black people - the first people in creation - came the brown people, the yellow people, the red people, and finally the caucasian people. This took place in the area of the planet we today call the Middle East and North Africa.The Adamic people, having been stripped of all books and instruments of learning when they were cast out of Eden, finally became savage and remained in that condition for two thousand years; until the prophet Moses was sent to civilize them. When they were cast out of Eden they then truly became the children of Satan, called devils.Some of their children were hidden among the original people and didn't go into Europe. Later, some of the others drifted back into the Middle East and caused war. Finally through invasion they completely took over the Middle East by driving out the original people or killing them off. They killed the men and the male children, and married the original women or had children with them; and this has continued even until today. These are the half-original people that live today in the area we call the Middle East.This area, with Mecca in Arabia as the center, is where civilized life began and developed on this planet; and has been the center of all life and knowledge of man.America, where we are today was considered a wilderness and was a place of exile for people who broke the laws of peace. The indian people were exiled here sixteen thousand years ago for breaking the laws of peace.The sympathy that some of the original - Black people have for the Admanic people is what Satan was counting on to use to deceive the original - Black people, and cause the most trouble among them because they would not know themselves. Since all people come from the original - Black people it is natural for the original people to have love and sympathy for them. Satan knew that the original people would have to learn to master themselves before they could master Satan and his people; and he believed that if he could cause them to fail this would cause God to leave things as they were, with just a few leaders having the knowledge while the masses remained ignorant and under their control.The invasion of the Middle East, the driving our of the original people and supplanting them in the land is symbolically told in the story of Noah and the Flood. After the original people were supplanted in the area with these half-original people, Abraham was raised among them as the first prophet to point out to them the right path for success, according to God's way for the world; by teaching them that God (Man) was one in his creation and one in his mind and thinking, and not a worshipper of idols and material things.Abraham prayed for his seed to be successful and God promised that He would allow this to be. God also told Abraham that the people of his seed would be found in the last days of this six thousand year period, in a strange land where they would be afflicted and serve another people for four hundred years.Satan preaches that he is the seed of Abraham because he thought that the seed of Abraham meant his flesh, and since Abraham was of the tribe of these half-original people they misinterpreted the meaning. God meant that the seed would be a new mind and idea of God and righteousness.This Satan learned the meaning of when Isa Bin Yusef - (Jesus) came and informed them of their wrong and corrupted meaning of that promise. (St. John 8:39 "They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham." 8:41 "Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even GOD." 8:42 "Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from GOD; neither came I of myself, but HE sent me." 8:43 "Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word." 8:44 YE ARE OF YOUR FATHER THE DEVIL, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, BECAUSE THERE IS NO TRUTH IN HIM. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: FOR HE IS A LIAR, AND THE FATHER OF IT.") Satan had no knowledge of his own, so he has to always usurp God's knowledge and try to use it as his own. This is why he is called a snake or serpent. This refers to his nature of wrapping himself or clothing himself in the Divine revelation; but his heart is in opposition and his actions are corrupt because he is always attempting to deceive the righteous people.These false leaders called Satan, always oppose the prophets and messengers of God when they appear, in order to maintain their leadership positions. But, because the prophet's truth is superior to Satan's knowledge, the opposers are never successful. Consequently, after the prophet dies they then take over the prophets' teachings and corrupt it to fulfill their purpose of maintaining their positions of authority and power; and they pretend that they are believers in the prophets' teachings. They are snakes and false prophets who deceive the masses of people through their corrupt misinterpretation.After Abraham's appearance the prophet Moses was sent to raise the devil out of the caves of Europe where they had been in exile for two thousand years, in order to allow them to complete their work of subduing the earth and all life on the earth. (Genesis 1:28 - "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.")Moses' teachings to the people of Europe was a civilizing teaching to give them knowledge, wisdom and understanding, so that they could come among civilized people, by raising them above the savage state of life that they were leading. Moses' teaching lasted for approximately seventeen hundred years before his influence on their lives was broken by the appearance of their first God, who was independent of the teachings of Moses or the Satan of the East.He was not a product of the original - Black people, but from the Adamic peoples own concepts and ideals about life. This one is called Nimrod in the Bible, and in the secular historical accounts, Alexander The Great, of Macedonia. He set out to conquer and subdue the world, and bring it under his ideas and influence. This was the first child born of Satan's idea, after the civilizing of the European savage, that would oppose the Original people and their way of life. It is Nimrod's birthday that is celebrated on December 25th, not Jesus'.Christ, as most people think, is not just a name. It is the title of a man and a people that would become God and Master of the earth. Christ means, "One Who is anointed to bring justice to the world." The word justice means Jesus. therefore you have the title "Christ Jesus" for the God of the last days of this kind of world of conquerors and kingdoms. Nimrod and his people are the anti-Christ - or the people who are opposed to the anointed and the justice He brings on Judgement day.After the fall of Nimrod's people, we see the idea of government and empire building in Rome, and its rulers, the Caesars. Then, Isa Bin Yusef appears. Although many call him Christ, he was in reality a prophet, and a sign of the Christ. He exposed Satan and caused him tremendous trouble, by prophesying about the end of their world. - then Rome and later the government of Europe.Contrary to popular belief, he was not crucified, but he sacrificed himself to martyrdom to prove to Satan that he had no power over him: and that even in death, his teaching and ideas would rule supreme over Satan and his world. This was to show these ignorant opposers that by killing him physically they could not kill what he represented. After the death of Jesus, his teachings spread from the Middle East to Greece and then to Rome.Saul, who was a Greek Jew and a Roman soldier, was given a special commission to round up the followers of Jesus and get rid of them. Saul fed them to the lions, crucified them, and killed them in every way that he could devise; until no matter what he did, the more he killed, the more there seemed to be. They were not called Christians at that time, and the sign they used to identify themselves was a fish; a sign of life.Jesus' teachings were designed to warn the people about God's coming kingdom and righteous world; and that their love for Rome and its Caesar was against the righteous way of God, for Caesar and his people were materialistic beasts and had no love for truth, justice, peace or righteous conduct. This kind of teaching was opposed by Caesar and Satan, who had now clothed himself as the only true interpreter of scripture, or God's knowledge. So Satan conspired with Caesar to murder Jesus. When Jesus martyred himself, Satan and Caesar thought they were rid of him, until his followers continued to spread his teachings. It was then that Saul was commissioned to get rid of them.When Saul became perplexed as to what to do about the followers of Jesus, he went to Arabia to seek knowledge from the chief Satan. Saul was advised by the chief Satan in Arabia to take control of the teachings of Jesus, and become the champion and chief interpretator of the teachings. This would control the people in their beliefs and faith and not their bodies. With this system Satan would not be subject to the anger and displeasure of the people when they grew tired of material rulers. They had already accomplished this in the East and advised Saul to do the same in the West. Jesus foresaw this trick, and explained it to his disciples in the parables of "The wolf in sheep's clothing" and "The blind leading the blind'"Upon Saul's return from his trip, he had all of a sudden become converted, and changed his name from Saul to Paul. He sought out Peter and other leaders of the followers of Jesus, and talked to them concerning the teachings of Jesus. He informed them of his conversion to their faith and was received by them; and then became the greatest champion of their cause. It was under his influence that Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were inspired to write their account of their knowledge and relationship with Jesus, and this became the foundation of the so-called New Testament in the Bible. Most of the other books were written by John when he and Paul were on the island of Patmos, in the Aegean Sea. John became enlightened to Paul's scheme to produce a church and religion that would be just as effective in conquering the world, as the idea of government and kingdoms; only extremely more subtle. Instead of conquering the man's body by force, he could conquer his mind with knowledge, and through this method he could rule them. This is the advice he was given in Arabia by the Chief Satan.So Paul built the church and Paul interpreted the teachings of Jesus to Peter and the other followers. Paul then established Peter as the first Pope, and Paul martyred himself as the spirit of evangelism; which was the mission of the church that he, Paul established and ordained, using the name and teachings of Jesus. Paul corrupted the teachings and added the name of God in the last days, to cover the naked lies he had inserted into the teachings.Paul was preserving Rome and its ideas in his church, and the church became the new Rome at the fall of the Roman Empire. The church became the establisher of kingdoms and kings. The church became the empire builder of the West and crowned the kings of Europe in the name of God, to advance the church's empire.When Muhammad - (PBUH) - of Arabia, a sign of GOD and the last prophet, was raised in the seventh century, he was successful in overthrowing Satan in Arabia, for a time: and introducing the idea of GOD back into the East. However, as soon as he died Satan reappeared and took over the prophet's people, and introduced his way of conquering and empire building. This put a damper on Satan in the West for a short time and cut them off from trade, until the Crusades.The Satan of the East, who took over the prophet's people, had derived a greater knowledge from the prophet's teachings than Paul's knowledge, which the Crusaders came with. Many of the Crusaders who came to the Middle East as invaders, became converted by the teachings of Prophet Muhammad - (PBUH). Some stayed in the Middle East, others returned to their homes with new ideas about religion and trade.When the Pope realized the threat of these ideas, he threatened them with excommunication from the church, or even death if they practiced or preached to masses, the religion of Islam. In order to protect themselves, these Crusaders formed a brotherhood and organized into a secret society, to practice and keep alive the knowledge they had acquired from the East. They called themselves Masons or Moslem sons and eventually the Pope became the most worshipful Master of Freemasons in the West. At this point, the church, the house of darkness, became so corrupt that some of its own children rebelled against it and set up their own house, without the Pope.Then, as if to prove its dark intentions, the church - (Pope) honored, blessed and inspired Spain to go forth and conquer the world for the church. The Spanish Nation set out to lay waste to the world in blood, plunder, crimes, and inhumanity never before seen or witnessed by man. They crucified everything in their path that wasn't of the Church or Spain. They destroyed every culture and body of knowledge they came across, with the inspired blessing and authority of the church. with an unquenched bloodlust, a priest by the name of Bishop Lacass blessed the Spanish Nation to go into Africa to make war, and capture the most peaceful people on earth; and make them slaves and beast of burden for Spain and the church.This church's entire history is written in blood, murder and oppression. This church is not the house of God, but is the house of Satan in the West. Jesus taught in the Middle East and never went to Europe. Why then, is the seat of this church in Rome? Is it to honor Jesus or Caesar?The bringing of God's people - (The Tree of Life) - into America to serve for four hundred years, is the reason God would come in the last days. He would come seeking to save His own. He would come in search of His family that had been robbed, spoiled, killed and taken out of their original names and culture. He would come to fulfill the promise he made to Abraham. (Genesis 15:13 - "And He said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them: and they shall afflict them four hundred years.") No other people in the recorded history of MANKIND has been held in bondage for four hundred years, other than the Black people in America; regardless of Satan's lie, claiming four hundred years of bondage in Egypt. (St John 8:32 "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." 8:33 "They answered him, WE BE ABRAHAM'S SEED, AND WERE NEVER IN BONDAGE TO ANY MAN: HOW SAYEST THOU, YE SHALL BE MADE FREE?")Here in America is a people persecuted and wronged more than any people in the history of man, yet they are still peaceful. They have not resorted, collectively, to weapons and was as a means to solve their problems. They still believe in God and peace as the highest ideals and way for man. This people, are the seeds of Abraham, a full grown and mighty nation.Every nation of Europe, the Middle East, and AFRICA laid their foundation on the Black African slave trade. They all engaged in this inhumane crime. This was the seal that has capped their minds, has corrupted their thinking, destroyed their trust and placed them one against the other, in their blind zeal to conquer and build empires.They have fought a number of wars, slaughtering and killing each other for control, and the church played both ends against the middle, making certain that she always came out on the side of the winner. They have fought two World Wars and are now arming, and preparing to fight the final one, to see who will be the ultimate conqueror.The mighty anti-christ, the church and its teachings, is the root cause of all the trouble in the eastern and western worlds, the north and the south. This is the cross, and the sign of the church; conquer up and down, and to and fro in the earth. The cross is a sign of death, not life. This teaching of the church is the same lie told to Eve by the serpent in the Garden of Eden in Genesis 2:4 ("And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:" 2:5 "For GOD doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as Gods, knowing good and evil.") Now this serpent has now grown up to become the dragon in Revelations that gives power to the beast.The beast in revelations is the warlike and aggressive nature of the immature, and spiritually child -minded people, who can easily be influenced and ruled by emotions, envy, fear, greed, ignorance and jealousy. These are the so-called Moslem sons and ignorant people, who don't have the true knowledge of God or themselves, and believe God is a spook or mystery God, somewhere beyond the heavens.The church, which is the emotional, mental and spiritual mother and father of these foolish people, gives them idols and false images to bow down to, and pray to and worship as a source of inspiration, and power; by which method, the church and its leaders control the ignorant people. Since these false images and idols have no power, this keeps these people full of emotion and fears which can be fanned like a flame of fire, to move them to conqueror and kill blindly in the name of their foolish idea about God.Look at the Crusades, the infidels charging and killing each other in the name of the same God. One calling Him Christ and the other calling Him Allah, each claiming the other is wrong. Yet, both of them were worshipping a mystery God or a spook God. Satan has tricked you both, and laughs at you fools.We live in a world where there is no order, or love for peace and justice. Weapons, not knowledge, have become the means to resolve differences. The law is meaningless because there is no justice or just judge.The education is meaningless because it is based on half truths and outright lies. He rewrites His-story whenever it suits his purpose. The spiritual teaching is meaningless because it is corrupted and controlled by power hungry, mental freaks. So now "we live in the valley and the shadow of death." poised for the final war, to write a new history in savagery and destruction.Everyone wants their enemies to let their guard down, or to see things their way. They all cry for peace, yet they prepare for war. They call for peace, yet there is no call for Justice. Why don't you call for justice? Is it because you know that justice requires you "to do unto others as you want them to do unto you?" Is it because your history of dealing with other people scares you to death, for fear that some would treat you as you have treated them? You have no way to get justice because you have never given any.When you revolted against the church in the Protestant revolt, you sought justice from those who you claimed oppressed you, but you didn't give justice to those who fell under your authority. when you held your Cromwell rebellion, French rebellion and your American rebellion, you sought justice from your oppressor, and then you became the oppressor. You became one big imperial power after another, and together you set out murdering and slaughtering, to control the material wealth of the planet for a few fools, who control a mass of fools.When will you ever learn? You are not righteous people with a noble idea of freedom, justice, equality or peace. You are a beast, four thousand years up from the caves of Europe through Moses, who have never been brought into Divine-knowledge. Those among you who have acquired some knowledge are required to study Islam from 35 to 50 years, and have never believed you were fit to be taught, so they mock you and allow you to call yourself a Moslem son. a Moslem Son is nothing. You have no Divine light until you become a Muslim, and then you are only a child placed on the right path, still needing to be controlled because of your limited knowledge. As a Moslem Son you are in utter darkness, a mental caveman possessing the least of knowledge. You have accomplished very little.Satan has appeared to you, Moslem Son in the guise of a Muslim, and is the Master of you, and he is only a child of Divine-intelligence: yet he makes you submit to him for knowledge and substance. He has deceived you, and now the time of the God of Righteousness and Justice has come, and you have no knowledge of how to do right. Satan, being one who knows he must eventually submit to the Will of God, because he has always known that it was God's will to allow him to try to deceive you: knows how to do right and when Jesus - The Christ appears, will deny and reject any association or knowledge of you and your ignorance. At the Judgement he will say, "I had no power over you, except that I called and you came."THE MOST HONORABLE ELIJAH MUHAMMAD WAS RAISED BY THE SUPREME BEING HIMSELF, IN THE PERSON - (THAT IS CORRECT) - IN THE PERSON OF MASTER FARD MUHAMMAD , AS THE LAST MESSENGER, NOT A PROPHET IN THE SAME SENSE AS WERE THE PROPHETS OF THE PAST; BUT AS A "MESSENGER" (ALTHOUGH THE BIBLE CALLS HIM A PROPHET IN THE LAST BOOK OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. MALACHI 4:5 "BEHOLD, I WILL SEND YOU ELIJAH THE PROPHET BEFORE THE COMING OF THE GREAT AND DREADFUL DAY OF THE LORD." THERE WAS NOTHING LEFT FOR HIM TO PROPHESY. THAT WORK WAS COMPLETED BY MUHAMMAD (PBUH) OF 1400 YEARS AGO) WHOM GOD SENT AS THE PERFECT EXAMPLE FOR MAN TO EMULATE IN HIS PERSONAL AND COMMUNITY LIFE.THIS HUMBLE MAN, THE MOST HONORABLE ELIJAH MUHAMMAD, WHO LABORED AND SUFFERED FOR NEARLY FORTY-FIVE YEARS IN OUR MIDST TO SAVE THIS MENTALLY DEAD BLACK MAN IN AMERICA - IS THE LAST MESSENGER THAT WILL EVER APPEAR AMONG MEN. HE TOLD YOU THAT THE ANSWER TO GOD'S PROMISE TO ABRAHAM IS THE ORIGINAL - BLACK PEOPLE OF NORTH AMERICA - THAT RISE TO THE CALL OF GOD IN THEIR MIDST. AND THOSE PEOPLE THAT FOLLOW THEM AND THEIR EXAMPLE WILL PRODUCE A WORLD OF PEACE..JUSTICE..AND RIGHTEOUSNESS OF ONE BROTHERHOOD...AS ALL THE PROPHETS WERE OF ONE BROTHERHOOD...AND BELIEVED IN ONE GOD.WHEN YOU SEE THE MOST HONORABLE ELIJAH MUHAMMAD AGAIN HE WILL BE IN HIS ULTIMATE GLORY AND POWER...THE EMBODIMENT OF "JESUS-THE CHRIST..." AS FORETOLD IN REVELATIONS.THIS IS THE NEW BIRTH THAT GOD PROMISED. A BIRTH OF KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING AND GROWTH IN DIVINE INTELLIGENCE. NOT PHYSICAL RE-BIRTH. THE GRAVE OF IGNORANCE IS THE ONLY GRAVE THAT WILL EVER HAVE A CHANCE TO COME UP OUT OF. A MENTAL RE-BIRTH THAT WILL GIVE YOU RIGHTS NOT GRANTED BY A GOVERNMENT...BUT WHICH IS CONFERRED UPON YOU BY A SUPERIOR KNOWLEDGE, WHICH BRINGS WITH IT RESPONSIBILITY, WHEN YOU HAVE GROWN INTO DIVINE-INTELLIGENCE.THIS IS HOW YOU GET TO HEAVEN AND BECOME ONE IN ONE WITH CREATION. YOU BECOME "WE" WHICH IS "ALLAH" - ALL IN ALL.WHO AMONG YOU IS WORTHY TO BE THE ANSWER TO ABRAHAM'S PRAYER? IT IS NOT SOMETHING SOMEONE WILL TELL YOU..IT IS SOMETHING YOU WILL TELL THE WORLD..IF YOU ARE IN FACT AND IN DEED..ONE OF THOSE WHO IS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. ARISE AND SHINE FOR THE DAY HAS COME...UP YOU MIGHTY NATION...YOU CAN ACCOMPLISH WHAT YOU WILL...ACCEPT IT OR LEAVE IT ALONE. WE HAVE TOLD YOU THE TRUTH AND NOW WE ARE FREE OF YOU.AS-SALAAM-ALAIKUMPEACE TO THE GODS AND GODDESSES!thank you, and goodnight ;) - Jamaal X______________________________________WHICH ONE...? ...it's like Morpheus said... ...the SERPENT deceived the WHOLE WORLD... Think on that... DO THE MATH. ______________________________________ ______________________________________

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Member Since: 1/19/2005
Band Website: finalcall.com
Band Members: LaZaruS.http://www.soundclick.com/bands/pageartist.cfm?bandI D=62947
Influences:LaZaRuS - Theory, Clock & Endgame (ON YOUTUBE) __________________________________ ...the inspiration... Request your OFFICIAL DVD COPY TODAY! Receive your official DVD copy of "The Missing Link: The Matrix Unplugged" for a small donation of $30. Safe transaction and pay pal verified! Please include your contact information with your order! Also due to heavy order volume please allow 10-14 days to receive it. PAY PAL BUTTON _____________________________...ELECTRO-CRANIAL STIMULATION... 2 Timothy 2:15 - Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth.Mark 4:24 - And He said to them, Be careful what you are hearing. The measure [of thought and study] you give [to the truth you hear] will be the measure [of virtue and knowledge] that comes back to you--and more [besides] will be given to you who hear.
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

tightened the blog up... and about to get it rolling full tilt again.

just a heads up for those of the "subscribed" and/or "reading" types.
Posted by ..LaZaruS... on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 04:24:00 PST

Life Lessons: #1 - Types of People

I figure since i'm doing a bunch of written series' for a bunch of different things at this point, i might as well do it up for those on myspace and do a series here as well... this series will be abo...
Posted by ..LaZaruS... on Mon, 21 May 2007 06:59:00 PST


Peace Fam!!!I know it's been a minute since I've posted up on here, but i just wanted to let everyone know that i'm working on a new track which should be up in a few days and to drop off the new read...
Posted by ..LaZaruS... on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 05:27:00 PST

Destroy the "willie lynch personality" 10 BASIC STOPS - - - "the CODE"

PEACE FAM...   i saw this at a random undisclosed location on myspace and figured i'd pass it on... needless to say, the subject matter is relevant... for more on the WILLIE LYNCH LETTER/SYNDROME...
Posted by ..LaZaruS... on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 06:36:00 PST


7 CHARACTERISTICS OF A WISE MAN 1. He does not speak on things he does not know. 2. He is not hostile to answers nor questions. 3. He answers all questions to the point. 4. He does not interrupt r...
Posted by ..LaZaruS... on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 07:08:00 PST

Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody.

fun stuff.   This is a story of four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure Somebody would do it. Anybody could have ...
Posted by ..LaZaruS... on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 05:49:00 PST

An Article I wrote. "Community and Unity"

In it's un-abridged format and content. (for those of you who wished to see it)   Slurred Speech: The State of the Union 2005.   Reflections on the 10 year commemoration of the Million Man M...
Posted by ..LaZaruS... on Mon, 24 Oct 2005 06:21:00 PST

THE NATURE OF THE THREAT. (classic truth in hip hop)

As-Salaam Alaikum (Peace Be Unto You)   I had posted this originally a few moments ago, but it didnt seem to have made it though the actual posting process for one reason or another... - - - D...
Posted by ..LaZaruS... on Fri, 30 Sep 2005 01:52:00 PST

the INFAMOUS WILLIE LYNCH and HOW TO MAKE A SLAVE. another viewpoint on the TRUTH.

As-Salaam Alaikum (Peace be Unto You)         As I am sure some of you know (just as sure as I am MOST of you do not know) Willie Lynch is the infamous (sometimes th...
Posted by ..LaZaruS... on Tue, 27 Sep 2005 10:33:00 PST