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Ham & Angie

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

People call me Ham, and everybody loves me, but no one really knows why. I'm gonna let you children know the whole story. Well I am the manliest of men, but other than that, I am pretty much you typical guy, you know, a pig. Since I am so normal, people think I might actually be part pig, you know like a piece of ham. So that's why people call me Ham.Okay that was all a lie(except for the everybody loving me and manliness parts), you really don't need to know much about me other than that I am pretty much the best(and by that i mean ultra-conceited), and you will never be as good as me, but I have already come to accept that. I can be friends with pretty much anyone willing to accept that fact(i love you all but i love angie more), but otherwise I'll probably just be a big jerk to you because you'd mean nothing to me.I'm in a good relationship with a girl who's a couple years younger than me, age dont matter though i love her very much! we've been together for 6 months now and it's been great we never argue or anything we just get along so well!

My Interests

I'm interested in a bunch of wierd things like corrupting my gf, itg, ddr, and staying in shape by not running but instead by playing itg, and ddr

I'd like to meet:

A famous tennis player they are so awesome! Tennis is the best sport ever and Roger Federer is the sexiest man alive!My AIM name is ham042988My MSN name/e-mail is hamthegreat@gmail.com


I'll listen to whatever sounds good to me. It's usually country music or it could be pretty much anything, but then again...


romantic comedies like any other real man all those chick flicks are just awesome


Whatever channel i can play games on and Youtube if that counts, and of course the DISNEY CHANNEL!


I don't really read much books; instead, I read the internet.


the man in the mirror (he's even better than the man upstairs)

My Blog

The joys of watermelon

Watermelon is easily god's greatest creation.  It  is actually the basis of all forms of life, and without watermelon, nothing would exist. How do I know this you ask? Well to be honest, I w...
Posted by Ham & Angie on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 08:22:00 PST

Ham In Tux themesong

All credit goes to John here at http://www.myspace.com/yourjustalivebear.. width="425" height="350">..>...
Posted by Ham & Angie on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 02:49:00 PST

There is no "I" in team, but I'm there.

    You may have hear the phrase, "There is no I in team," plenty of times, but I can assure you I can be a one man team.  Let's break the word team down into the letters T, E, A, ...
Posted by Ham & Angie on Mon, 08 May 2006 09:57:00 PST

The 2nd adventure to Super Walmart...

We set out on another adventure to Super Walmart around Midnight on April 20, 2006.  This episode is kind of long so I broke it down into two videos.  The first video starts out slow, but qu...
Posted by Ham & Angie on Fri, 21 Apr 2006 02:39:00 PST