One Very Awesome Survey
What’s the name on your birth certificate?: Natalia Vainman
What’s the name that you introduce yourself with?: Natasha
What’s your stage name (if you don’t have one, go ahead and make one up)?: Natasha Dynamite
What’s your date of birth?: september 1st
Where were you born?: Ukraine
Where do you now live?: Shorewood
Where do you wish you lived?: Somewhere in South America
What kind of car (or motorcycle) do you drive?:
What kind of car (or motorcycle) do you wish you drove?: something that drove
How long was the longest relationship you’ve ever been in?: on and off for 10 months or 3 months
What is your biggest pet peeve?: when stuck-up bitches look down on others
What is your addiction/obsession?: chocolate
What is your most embarrassing moment?: damnit! that requires too much thinking
What is the one thing you can’t live without?: chapstick (and chocolate)
Cartoon character (don’t pretend like you don’t watch cartoons)?: Stewie and spongebob
Candy?: chocolate
Alcoholic drink?: beeeeeeer!!!
Place to go out to eat?: any place
Place you have visited?: Boston
Smell?: guys colgone
Store?: dollar tree!!! lol
Ice-cream flavor?: CHOCOLATE
Quote?: "Victory shall be mine"
Sport to watch?: no thanks
Sport to play?: tennis
Song to listen to when you’re pissed?: linkin park
Song to listen to when you’re cruising?: ciara or beyonce
Childhood memory?: Israel
Chugged syrup?: no
Sky dived?: no
Bungee jumped?: no
Cliff jumped?: no
Dived of a diving board?: YES
Partied till the break of dawn?: YESSS!!!
Been to a strip club?: no
Danced around the house in your underwear?: of course
Made a video of you and your friends doing something stupid and/or crazy?: oh god yes
Kissed someone of the same sex?: yes
Cross-dressed?: yes
Gotten as drunk as a skunk drowned in tequila?: yes
Gotten as high as a kite?: yes
Done Carmen Electra’s striptease workout?: no
Tapped a keg?: no
Told someone you loved them?: uhh maybe? (i think i said that to vicki or courtney)
Cried over something/someone?: yes
Toilet papered someone’s house?: no
Googled something on-line?: yes
Made out with someone?: no
Done something you regret?: yes
Lied to someone?: yes
Gotten honked at?: yes
Busted out a dance move?: yes
Learned something?: yes
Bought something?: yes
Met someone?: yes
Had a naughty dream?: yes
Believe in love at first sight?: nope...only lust
Believe in yourself?: not at all
Believe in Santa Claus?: whos that?
Sing in the shower?: used to, not as much anymore
Enjoy long walks on the beach?: nope!
Get jealous easily?: depends
Like to dance?: love to!
Miss someone?: yes
Have a crush on someone?: kind of
Get along with your family?: NO
Spend a lot of time on-line?: yes
Think that Conan O’Brien’s hair is sexy?: yes
Smile often?: yes
Live every day to its fullest?: no
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