Dah drive byes an jus chillin wit mah villins in da hood of hoodlumvillins. word dawg straight balla in da houzzzeee. yeah, wat? yoo wann sum dawgga? I gozza get goinn butt Me lik da white chiks. WoRd dAwG~~~~~Yo
Lotsa homiez in da areeeea dAWG
Jus wat makes me groove rap babay, I lika da rap with a rap rapper, the shnap shnapper, po pappa, in dizzzzzzzzzzzz happa. word DaWg. i give yoo a lil tastee ohf mah rhymzez. I rap lik da home boissssss, i lik mah tonkaaa toyssss, word in da word, dis forum iz obsurdddd word rap rap clikity clap, oh shnaps ima out. wRod
Easy-E an chappelle dawggggg word purry hall shizz
Whuz dat?
Whatza book? I knowz da reedin reinboo, itz da shizz, i stillizzle wattch it, i stillizzle don't understandizzle it? WoRd.
Jus da home bois like snoop in mah hizzle, hes my straight nukkah fo shizzle, drizzle, lizzle, tizzle, mizzle, bizzle, trizzle, mrs frizzle, sizzle like applebeeeeeeeees wOrD.