fumiko imano profile picture

fumiko imano

www.fumikoimano.com site made by coline.net

About Me

ny times blog interview by nick curry http://themoment.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/04/18/the-post-mater ialist-ethical-consumerisms-next-wave/ "real closet" new video http://www.showstudio.com/project/politicalfashion/movies/20 08-04-02/ http://www.codemagazine.be/en/numerosparus.html numero5 interview with fumiko imano twins http://showstudio.com/projects/tokyostyleclash/game/event.ph pFumiko Imano Website www.fumikoimano.com there is video edited by eskils junker film "hitachi" forswedish tv. ztv. http://dev.ztv.se/main.php#uppladdat/ovrigt/90 video from berlin exhibition! by nick currie. http://imomus.livejournal.com/2006/07/16/video portrait by diane pernet http://ashadedviewonfashion.free.fr/videos/chapels_fumiko.ht m"dream closet" video http://www.showstudio.com/projects/fmk/fmk_start.html

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

baguette orchestra paris 2005 waiting for bus,japan,2007

I'd like to meet:

charles repetto garden twins,japan,2006 in sakura, japan,2006 mini pianist with vegonia,japan,2006


.. conversation with momus & me by momus if its cutting so much to play, go to: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8291207578332975134


fumiko imano1974-2004 mini book avairable at tokyo NADiff,tokyo photo museum, cdg hong kong,black block palais de tokyo in paris,DIGAWEL(tokyo nakameguro)


now http://www.hallso.co.uk/now.html project by rupert smyth

My Blog

my gardian angel

never forget the daythe day i was adopted as a family by my gardian angeli was feeling like a tiny mouse shaking in the dark..thought he is not gonna pick me up at airportmaybe its a joke...just an o...
Posted by fumiko on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 08:07:00 PST

the story of tiny white rock

one day i wake upi recognise myself sucking my thumb watching wb on tvblack cat chasing a yellow chick..big bird shouting mi!mi!9th floor infront of atlantic oceani am just watching the horison everyd...
Posted by fumiko on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 05:52:00 PST