♣MissKiss♣ profile picture


Party like a man...Make love like a woman!

About Me

OK...I just read my about me section for the first time in like a year and BOY....do I need to update that shit! So right now about me, I live in Nassau Bay with my wonderful fiance' Walter and we are expecting our first child on Feb. 8. We are sooo stoked!! We would perfer a boy but will still be completely happy if we have a little girl. As long as it's healthy.I don't know what I would do without him! ;) I'm in love again and it's just such a good feeling. To be happy and carefree...awesome! I have a VERY few good friends, that I am sooo fortunate are in my life. Work is going ok, I'm still operating on people and couldn't be anymore happier. I like to tell everybody that I'm a cool mutherfucker, but I'm sure some would disagree....but fuck'em! I'm my mouth tends to get me in trouble from time to time....but once again....fuck'em! I have an older brother who I love to death who is extremely single, so any hot lady's out there lookin for a cool, hot guy covered in tattoo's....I know one personally. The whole describing myself....it's a waste of time, your just gonna check out my pics anyways, so it's pretty pointless. Life is going great...I couldn't be anymore happier. If there is anything you would like to find out about me.....fuckin ask! I don't bite!♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ A few pics of myself!
jerome murat
Uploaded by segalier A FEW NEW PICS FROM OUR TRIP TO VEGAS!!!I LOVE THIS PIC!! Time stood still just for us!Me with my parents! I'm the milkman's child! I swear!Walter with my parents! AH HA HAhttp://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"Ok, this is just Walter being a dork....as usual! But I love him tough!..A few more pics of myself and the love of my life!!..Just random pictures that I have taken through the years!......

My Interests

Music is my life. I love music. It just does something to me. I could just drive around and jam in my car all day. I am really big into art and drawing, mostly tattoos. I am fascinated by peoples tattoos and see nothing but beauty and personal expression. I love going to the movies or staying at home and watching movies. I like to go to Scout and listen to some good local bands and have a drink or two. Playing pool is a hobby of mine,, I just wish I was a little bit better at it. Need someone to go play with me though. I really big into cars, more than most woman. And not just the fancy, expensice cars. All kinds..trucks, sports cars, muscle cars...all kinds really. Other than that...just a bunch of lame shit you probablly don't wanna know about.FINALLY...PICTURES OF MY BEAUTIFUL SON!!

..HAD TO ADD SOME MORE PICTURES OF MY SEXY ASS MAN!! It's ok to be jealous ladies, I completely understand. I would be too! But he is ALL mine and I don't share...not even a little. But here ya go anyways...drool your hearts out!


I'd like to meet:

On the sentamental note, I would love to meet my dad's father. He died before I was born and I never got the chance to meet him. Him and my ancestors. I would love to know my origins and where I came from. (I'm Cherokee and Irish I think) On the other hand I would love to meet Marilyn Manson. I am a huge fan. He is a genious whether people wanna believe it or not. If people weren't so judgmental and didn't judge a book by it's cover, then people could see that. I think Ryan Reynolds is hularious and would be awesome to spend the day with him...besides the fact he's gorgeous! Angelina Jolie is an amazing person beyond her amazing beauty. Maynard (Tool) would be a remarkable person to sit down and have a conversation with. Umm..who else? Stevie Ray Vaughn, to give me guitar lessons. I have met a ton of cool and interesting people in my life and hope I can continue.



O.K. here's a very very short list….ANYTHING TOOL!!Marilyn Manson, NIN, Deftones, Prognosis, Lake Omen, Supa Villan, Element Eighty, Crossfade, Trace Element, American Tradgety, Skinny Puppy, Lucid Dementia, Shadow Reichenstein, Linkin Park, Staind, Korn, A Perfect Circle,Led Zepplin, Filter, Missy Elliot, Papa Roach, Alkaline Trio, My Chemical Romance, Cky, Him, Stone Temple Pilots, Velvet Revolver, Korn, Audioslave, Pantera, Rob Zombie, Rage Against the Machine, KMFDM, AFI, Bob Marley, Keith Urban, Rascal Flatts, The Gray Life, Staind, Gwen Steffani, Garbage, Foo Fighters, Hoobastank, Mudvayne, The White Stripes, 3 Doors Down, The Doors,Stevie rRay Vaughn, Technine, Kotton Mouth Kings, The Crystal Method and many many more. I listen to everything pretty much anything and everything But those are pretty much my favorites.Best album ever!!Best band ever!!Gwen is awesome!Love her style!Marilyn Manson is a god!Maynard is also a god! New Tool album...10,000 days....KICKS ASS!Hee hee...if we could all be so lucky!Awesome band and movie!! Val Kilmer is the shit!!


Another list that would take me forever….like i said before here's a condensed list…..but Fight Club and Boondock Saints have to be my favorites... American History X, Lost Highway, Old School, Constantine, Without A Paddle, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Guns God and Goverment,Forrest Gump, Halfed Baked, Tombstone, Shrek 2,Kill Bill Vol. 1 &2, Interview With A Vampire, 28 Days Later, Gossip, Finding Neverland, Empire Records, Gothika, Team America, Nightmare Before Christmas, James and The Giant Peach, The Crow, Dusk Til Dawn, Underworld, Queen of the Damned,Willie Wonka (Old and New), All the Blade movies,The Devil's Advocate, Old School, The Goonies, any Disney or Pixar movie. there's like sooo many more but i can't think of them off the top of my head. Anything with Will Farrell or Johnny Depp.i'll have to get back to this one.All time favorite...Uhh...yeah...need I say more?I love this movie!


Favorite show ever....NIP/TUCK!!! Some others....The Simpsons, Family Guy, Real World, I Love the 80's and 90's, That 70's Show, Entourage, Trauma: Life and Death in the E.R, Aqua Teens, The news.This guys is named Noah and he did all of these! I think they're amazing!!


I like to read anything that had a good plot or something that helps me out.Other random pics that I thought I'd put up!


My hero would definately have to be my father. For everything that he has done for me and my family. He came from nothing and has given us everything. I respect him more than any person. I love my father...I'm such a daddy's girl. :) Bettie Page for being the most beautiful female ever! I am 38% Asshole/Bitch.
. I may think I am an asshole or a bitch, but the truth is I am a good person at heart. Yeah sure, I can have a mean streak in me, but most of the people I meet like me. Take the
Asshole/Bitch Test
@ FualiDotCom
You're Bettie Page!

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My Blog


I just wanted to let everyone know that life is great! I am soo happy right now with pretty much every aspect of my life. I got a great job that I love, the best brother a sister could have...well.......
Posted by Kris10 on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 12:01:00 PST

Bout Me.....

Here's pretty much anything and everything you wanna know about me. Enjoy.... 1 .person that slept in your bed: Jason 2.person that made you cry: myself 3.person that you shared something with:...
Posted by Kris10 on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

No Love...

Nobody wants to comment bout my pics??? Just can't get any love...except for Bucky. Thanks.
Posted by Kris10 on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Lovely Monday...

God Mondays sucks. Do they ever start off good? I think my wrist is broke ( for the past 5 days) but it's a bitch when you don't have insurance. Or painkillers. Oh well, I'll just deal with it....like...
Posted by Kris10 on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


I'm ready to slit my wrist now. I have been locked in this apartment for the past 4 days cause my battery is dead in my car. I'm fixing to go crazy. I'm getting it fixed today though....then it's off ...
Posted by Kris10 on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST